
Criminal Justice History Essay

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The History of Criminal Justice This is a reflective paper drawn upon knowledge acquired from various criminal justice courses that I have taken, as well as from the syllabus of materials utilized in this course (i.e., CJ 435 Organization and Management). This essay is intended to be my reflection on the theory of justice, considering the historical development, evolution, and structure of contemporary criminal and juvenile justice systems. Also, this paper addresses the theoretical and ethical foundations of justice, legal theory, and the role of the U.S Constitution. It consists of five sections, which are as follows: Criminological Theory, Policing, Ethics, Juvenile Justice, and Constitutional History. In each section, I will address two topics.
Criminological Theory
The reason for criminal behavior is not fully understood, but there are two theories I have studied which speak to this issue: Merton’s Strain Theory and The Social Contract Theory. I grew up in a family that was very close, but it was not a traditional family. My grandparents raised me, and even though I did not know it until I was older, we were quite poor. While I did not commit any crimes, I can relate to what these theories suggest lead people to committing crimes.
Merton’s Strain Theory
Merton’s Strain Theory is one of several theories of Criminology. This theory best fits why I believe crimes are committed. There are several ways that one reacts when placed in stressful situations, and a feeling of

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