
The History Of The Religious Holocaust Against African Slaves

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Learning the history of our modern world renders useless without applying it to present day occurrences. Throughout the timeline of this course, we’ve discussed numerous events ranging from the European arrival to the Americas, to the expansion of the US into Mexico and everything in between. Though all topics discussed are captivating in their way, one struck me for good: the period of the religious holocaust against African slaves implemented by the whites. As we spoke on the topic, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that this yet hasn’t finished, we are centuries in the future and still trying to subdue cultures and religions. The religious holocaust against African slaves offers me a new insight on France’s new terror laws and why …show more content…

Similar to this religious holocaust, we have what is occurring in France against its Muslim residents and citizens. According to the BBC, a world renown news site, these new laws will legalize the closing of Mosque across France. It will allow the government to confine people to their hometowns and ask for them to report daily to their local police station, and finally, it will place security checkpoints at all main landmarks and popular areas. Though some of this may seem harmless, it isn’t. France has set up laws that would possibly make a practicing Muslim’s life near to impossible, harder than it already is, with all the prejudice against the targeted population. The fear of terrorism will likely cause millions of civilians their civil rights, identical to the dismay of a mass slave revolt that almost caused the loss of African traditions and practices in the new world. You may wonder why the religious holocaust against African slaves is so crucial to the modern world. Part of studying history and its flaws are learning from past and evolving for a brighter future. France’s actions towards its Muslim population shows regression instead of progression. If they would have some historical knowledge of similar events and how they played out, I’d bet they would handle the issue differently. In class, we saw how even with the white’s aggressive actions to eliminate

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