Learning the history of our modern world renders useless without applying it to present day occurrences. Throughout the timeline of this course, we’ve discussed numerous events ranging from the European arrival to the Americas, to the expansion of the US into Mexico and everything in between. Though all topics discussed are captivating in their way, one struck me for good: the period of the religious holocaust against African slaves implemented by the whites. As we spoke on the topic, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that this yet hasn’t finished, we are centuries in the future and still trying to subdue cultures and religions. The religious holocaust against African slaves offers me a new insight on France’s new terror laws and why …show more content…
Similar to this religious holocaust, we have what is occurring in France against its Muslim residents and citizens. According to the BBC, a world renown news site, these new laws will legalize the closing of Mosque across France. It will allow the government to confine people to their hometowns and ask for them to report daily to their local police station, and finally, it will place security checkpoints at all main landmarks and popular areas. Though some of this may seem harmless, it isn’t. France has set up laws that would possibly make a practicing Muslim’s life near to impossible, harder than it already is, with all the prejudice against the targeted population. The fear of terrorism will likely cause millions of civilians their civil rights, identical to the dismay of a mass slave revolt that almost caused the loss of African traditions and practices in the new world. You may wonder why the religious holocaust against African slaves is so crucial to the modern world. Part of studying history and its flaws are learning from past and evolving for a brighter future. France’s actions towards its Muslim population shows regression instead of progression. If they would have some historical knowledge of similar events and how they played out, I’d bet they would handle the issue differently. In class, we saw how even with the white’s aggressive actions to eliminate
The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the American Slavery and the Holocaust, in terms of which one was more malevolent than the other. Research indicates that “the “competition” between African-American and Jews has served to trivialize the malevolence which both has suffered” (Newton, 1999). According to L. Thomas “A separate issue that contributes to the tension between blacks and Jews refer to to the role that Jews played in the American Slave trade.”
Throughout time, history has been recorded from the perspective of the victors. It is this bias within the archives that shape the views and motives of the groups involved. As a result of this influence the general way of thinking, and recollection of historical events has been altered to a certain degree to conform to the conqueror’s ideals. Society turns a blind eye to the horrors of the past, preferring to plead ignorance than to face the reality of the cruelty humans are capable of. There are parts in history that conversely cannot be ignored, such as the genocide in Rwanda, 9-11, Terror in Paris and the most historical, the holocaust in World War II, where the true extent of human vindictiveness came to light. In spite
Slavery a practise that took absolute freedom away from African people for over 500 sometimes it is even referred to as the ‘African Holocaust’ because the estimated lives lost because of the slave trade is thought to be up to 100 million. And in 1691 this hideous practise was introduced to America and continued for another 250 years and it was only in the 18th century that America began to question the morality of slavery. This lead to a divide in the American people you were either pro or anti slavery. Due to geography Southern states benefited much more from slavery than Northern states did because they had the environment the could sustain plantations and their population was lower and less condensed. Northern states however due of the advent of industrialism did not need or benefit economically from slavery and because of higher importance placed on education and immigration there was a growing diversity of cultures and people so they were more aware of the moral issues involved with a practise like slavery. Another factor that contributed to the growing resentment of slavery in the North was a paradoxical one, because the South benefited so much economically for slavery where little to no labour skills were needed it began to affect the American economy as a whole as it limited the growth of the US economy. Work ethic was undermined and slavery itself only was only beneficial to the US in the short term and in hindsight it is easy to see that it actually stunted the US
his side helps secure the notion that the possibility of a future could be sought and
In Europe, Islamophobia emerged together with new anti-Semitism, where the targets are the new immigrants, Muslims, as well as Jews. The reason for that is in France and United Kingdom, Muslims and Jews for the past decade inhabit the poorest neighborhoods. Media, on the other hand, portrays this as an incapability of Muslim immigrants to integrate into European society and susceptibility to the imported Islamist ideologies (Silverstein, 367).
Modern and historical forces combine to keep the racial hierarchy in the dominant cultures control. Historically, slavery was diplomatically protected within our constitution safeguarding the control and ownership of African Americans. The three-fifths compromise written into the constitution in 1787, safeguarded slaveowners by greatly increase the representation and political power of slave-owning states (Laws, 2017). Slavery was widespread within the southern states until the year of 1865, when slavery and involuntary servitude were abolished, except for those duly convicted of a crime. Between 1866 and 1870, through congress a radical reconstruction era was executed ensuring guaranteed freedom and civil rights to former slaves. These turn of events, incensed southern slave owners giving rise to white Supremacy and the Ku Klux Klan. Such historical events and accounts help us understand present conditions for people of color through recognition of the enduring struggle of those who have fought slavery and racism.
Africans battled and treated like bovines and puppies in the midst of the convergence. On the slave ships, people were full stretching out over a boat. The glow was as often as possible shocking, and the air verging on unbreathable. Women were every now and again used sexually. Men were oftentimes attached in sets, shackled wrist to wrist or lower leg to lower leg. People were put assembled, typically constrained to lie on their backs with their heads between the legs of others. This inferred they every now and again expected to lie in each other's crap, pee , and, because of detachment of the guts, even blood.
Slavery had also been present in New York from the earliest days of Dutch settlement. As their role expanded so did slavery in the city, 30 percent of its laborers were slaves. Most came from different cultures, spoke different languages, and practiced many regions. Slavery allowed different individuals who would never otherwise have encountered, their bond was not kinship, language, or even race, but the impressment of slavery. They eventually came together an created a cohesive culture and community that took many years, and it processed at different rates of speed in different regions.
One of the first things that attracted the African American slaves to Christianity was a way of obtaining the salvation of theirs souls based on the Christian’s idea of a future reward in heaven or punishment in hell, which did not exist in their primary religion. The religious principles inherited from Africa sought purely physical salvation and excluded the salvation of the soul. However, they did believe in one supreme God, which made it easier for them to assimilate Christianity.
Intolerance of others has been part of the human race for all of history and it is just as prevalent now as ever. Webster's defines intolerance as, “The quality or state of being intolerant,” but this isn't the best definition. To me, intolerance is not allowing others to live their lives because of the way they look, their religion, or where they're from. History is filled with cases of intolerance, and today it is happening all around us today, but we must realize this and see what we should change.
During a most dark and dismal time in our nations history, we find that the Africans who endured horrible circumstances during slavery, found ways of peace and hope in their religious beliefs. During slavery, African's where able to survive unbearable conditions by focusing on their spirituality.
African slaves were brought to America from many tribes and they brought with them a variety of beliefs and practices. In some ways, the religion that many West Africans practiced bears a striking resemble to the practices of Christianity and Judaism. There are however several differences that make it clear that it is its own separate faith. On the plantations in America slaves were taught a “modify” version of Christianity so that they would obey their masters, and often times slaves would hold their own services. Other slaves believed in and practice what was called “conjuration” along with Christianity.
Since the incident of 9/11 occurred, many people have debated over the Muslim faith and its practices. Muslim extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS have affected the name of Islam causing majority of Muslims to be blamed. Recently, a tragic event that occurred in Paris killing over a hundred people left the people of France shaken with fear and anger. These events have lead to an increasing amount of hate and tension towards Muslims all over the world from protests at mosques, where Muslims go to pray, and anti-Muslim rally’s. Islamophobia is a massive issue that has steered European counties like France to enforce laws that ban religious garments that Muslims wear such as the niqab and burqa. Some people perceive these garments to be
French Jews have become aware of the threat against the French on a whole by Islamic extremists not only for being Jewish, but just for being French. Jewish communities have been asked to “break their routines” and not to hold meetings and gatherings so they do not become easy victims. They also asked people to carry small parcels and bags to hurry along security checks. It’s been said that a whole new situation has arisen, before terrorists targeted specific groups but now they’re indiscriminately killing all French people who will not follow sharia
France has recently been enforcing their ban of full-face veils in public places. The government claims it is for public safety, however, others feel it is the result of “Islamophobia”. Regardless of their reasoning, they are infringing on basic human rights. Most people believe that the ability to worship as they choose is a right given to them, not by any government, but by their deity. However in Venissieux, France a ban on the wearing of full veils in public places was formalized on April 15th, 2011. Thus, making it the first European country to violate what is, to some Muslims, an important religious conviction. Although the police cannot legally remove full veils, they are encouraged to punish those who continue to wear them with fines or required citizenship lessons. The new laws are a direct attack on Islamic culture, allowing the French government to strip its citizens of their history, their identity, and worst of all, of their ability to worship as their scriptures tells them to.