
The Hero's Journey-Original Writing

Decent Essays

It's difficult going to sleep that night. Impossible, in fact.

I'm not afraid of Quarry. Rex insists to himself over and over. I'm not.

But come tomorrow, everyone else is.

When he leaves the hideout the next day (well, in the next few hours, he supposes), there's a subdued sort of terror creeping first into the dark parts of the city. The fear grows silently, quickly, and engulfs everything, especially noise, within the hour.

Really, most have no idea what has happened. No one mentions the word 'theft'. Maybe that's what makes it worse – the fact that they don't know what happened, only that Quarry is pissed.

Well okay, no. He's not pissed.

Quarry is livid. Never having met the man, Rex doesn't know what his rage is like in person, but the …show more content…

Scared. The slightest prying reveals nerves and explosions that they immediately regret, the slightest push has them swearing that they know nothing.

Many people go into hiding, not even out of force – purely out of fear. Most people refuse to show their face.

Early in the afternoon, Rex stops by the Gang's favorite sushi place, intent on buying the most expensive thing there only to find that Mr. Xiao has closed it for the day.

He frowns intently at the sign taped on the inside of the door. 'Family emergency', it says.

Xiao's only living relatives reside in America.

It's with hunger and something else rolling in his stomach that he trudges away, frown clinging to his face.

These are he consequences Cricket tried to warn him of, he realizes, a bit of doubt creeping in. This is what you didn't see coming.

Rex had known that he would make the crime boss furious – he had – he simply hadn't predicted the full reach it would go.

No matter, he tells himself. You wanted to upset Quarry.

"Good job." He mutters quietly, scuffing his boot against the sidewalk.

The day's initial glee and excitement is tainted now, dirtied by uncertainties and realities and lots of other things he hadn't thought

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