
The Hero's Journey In Monomyth, By Joseph Campbell

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The hero is on a constant journey. Throughout the journey, a hero will often be faced with hardship only to be strengthened and propelled into action. The introduction stresses the importance of the hero’s struggle. The struggle encourages the hero to act courageously and act confidently. By confronting their hardships, the hero will experience the desired growth from the journey.
The hero also seeks a better way to behave and live. The hero’s journey could be described as a transformation. The life of the hero is affected by its surroundings as the surroundings are affected by the hero. The hero must persevere through the journey to be a part of a greater change.
2. Campbell’s concept of the hero- discuss the key elements of the hero and …show more content…

Through these tales we are taught that the journey is worth as much as the result. These tales relate back to the hero and the importance of the journey leading to growth. A hero must have basic qualities of perseverance and devotion in order to be successful. They should also be open to the transformation that comes with the journey and not limit themselves to one set way as they search for fullness. These stories although from different origins share a similar message which illustrates the universal nature of the hero.
4. Monomyth- what is it, why is it important/ relevant? (1 par)
Monomyth is a term coined by Campbell from the author James Joyce. Monomyth describes the series of events often found in stories that make up the hero’s journey. Campbell divided the journey into three main parts: the departure, initiation and the return. Each part of the journey is further divided into smaller more detailed sections. The basic structure outlined by Campbell’s Monomyth has become a template used for most stories centered on a hero. Many stories and blockbuster films follow Campbell’s Monomyth. This keeps the monomyth still relevant in story writing and useful in the analysis of films.
5. Rousseau- how does he define the hero? Do you agree? (2

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