
The Hate U Give Systemic Analysis

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How can systemic racism create a populous impact and affect the people within the community due to their lifestyle? In the book The Hate U Give by. Angie Thomas, it’s about a young teen black girl named Starr. How she also uses this to show what she experienced in real life, also she experiences stereotyping throughout the story. Also in the second book The Absolutely True Diary Of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, is about him in his real life and he is to show what he had experienced in real life, he is Junior which relates to how he experienced systemic racism due to his race and ethnicity. The characters Junior from the Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian and Starr from The Hate U Give experience racism and systemic with a job employment due to race, it can also be viewed as how they get challenged with systemic …show more content…

Hailey had then decided to add and develop a racist joke to Starr involving her race. “ Pretend the ball is some fried chicken,” “you made a fried chicken comment to the only black girl in the room.” (Thomas 112-113) This shows how people experience the same things done by the people around you. This is also how we know how this also a problem in our community and impacts certain people due to racism.

How stereotyping can affect a main group of people in the community or mainly in a bad neighborhood. This relates to Starr being accused to also being a drug dealer by Hailey. “Does it have to do with the drug dealer in your neighborhood?.....the geto girl drug dealer.”(Thomas 113) How just by being with a person with seemed to be a drug dealer in your neighborhood doesn't make a drug dealer. Also, people can view a person in a bad way by accusing you for something you did not do. This is how you know that stereotyping is also a problem to every person and can experience it without even

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