
The Harmful Nature Of American Eating Habits

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“Americans love to talk about their freedoms. Most of the time they mean the familiar ones—speech and press and assembly, as well as the other high-minded things our forefathers made sure to include in the national contract. But there are other freedoms too—the freedom to be loud, the freedom to be large, the freedom to have an appetite for anything at all and then set out to satisfy it.” (Kluger et al., 2015). Published by TIME magazine, the authors of this article intended to expose the harmful nature of American eating habits. Through this quotation, the authors indirectly criticized the choices that American make when eating. Although people have the ability to eat anything they choose, not all foods are healthy and benefiting the body. The majority of these harmful and unhealthy foods are processed foods. The alternative to eating processed foods is to eat organic or natural foods. According to Brittany Chin, a licensed dietician and registered dieticians, organic foods contain more nutrients without additives than processed foods which are mainly just energy dense and do not provide substantial benefits to the body (Chin, 2013). Americans should be eating less processed foods because the processing breaks down the natural nutrients of food while adding dangerous food additives. Since the time of cavemen, people have been processing foods. To state that all processed foods are unhealthy would be incorrect. Any manipulation of food from its original and natural state

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