
The Harmful Effects Of Methamphetamine

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When I started researching this assignment I found many drugs (legal and illegal) that may be commonly used, misused, or abused by my future students. I became overwhelmed; however, I started remembering about an article that I read in my local newspaper. This article discussed how methamphetamine has become a prevalent issue in many small communities. I also found a statistic that blew my mind and made me want to research this drug because of the effects it may have on my potential students’ life and learning. According to the United States government, reported in 2008, approximately 13 million people over the age of 12 have used methamphetamine (Foundation for a Drug-Free World, n.d.). That is a lot of young lives being touched by one …show more content…

Students’ who are subjected to this environment can have issues as a direct result of this drug and also additional issues resulting from family members who are suffering from addiction. Babies from mothers who use methamphetamine during the time of pregnancy has a higher rate for premature birth and/or full term babies that exhibit behaviors/symptoms of a premature baby (i.e. trouble swallowing, etc.) and have a higher rate of mental disabilities (Norquist & Spalding, 2012). Children are often subjected to many health problems due to exposure to harmful, dangerous chemicals used to make methamphetamine and/or to the actual drug from the toxic residue that remains during the cooking process (Norquist& Spalding, 2012). According to Norquist and Spalding (2012), many children suffer abuse, neglected of basic necessities (i.e. food, sleep, etc.), treated with aggressive actions, suffer emotional and behavioral issues, etc. (Norquist & Spalding, 2012). Many of these children struggle in school because they are not coming prepared to learn and do not have the proper support outside of the classroom. Many of them are lacking sleep and food. These are huge distractions that hinder children learning because the results are often a lack of concentration and/or focus. Children from methamphetamine homes often come to school showing signs of physical aggression. According to Haight, Black, and Sheridan (2010), these students’ tend to display externalizing behavior disorders. (Haight, Black, & Sheridan, 2010). These at-risk students tend to deal with problems using punching, kicking, chocking, pulling hair, bullying, not following rules/routines, impulsive tendencies, lying, cheating, fighting their own substance abuse, etc. All of these issues can affect students’ learning and learning of those students’ in the classroom

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