
The Hardest Thing To Learn Analysis

Decent Essays

The Hardest Thing to Learn When I was 8 years old I wanted to ride a bike but I didn’t know how and my Dad agreed to teach me when I asked him and I was so excited that my brother wanted to learn as well. When we were ready our Dad thought us by using training wheels first and then he showed us how to pedal and where the brakes were, but when we rode in training wheels for an hour he took them off and we were afraid of falling and we were also very eager but nervous of falling. When we were ready our Dad just told us to look forward and pedal so we pedaled as fast as we could but we always fell and bleed from our arms and legs. Every time we fell we could taste the blood in our mouth for hitting it too much. Everything felt dusty because of all the dirt. We saw blood on our legs and arms and it was slowly dripping down. We heard our screams of pain and, we smelled all the flowers in the grass when we fell in the grass. It was really painful but it was going to be so easy when we could do it better but it had to be longer till we completely learned how to ride a bike. We kept trying everyday but it took us 6 days to learn because the park we practiced in had so many holes so when we rode our bike it was really hard to ride because of all the holes. When we were ready to ride by ourselves our cousins came and they …show more content…

Although accidents happened because of those dogs and a kids and parents got bitten in the arm and leg the owner just payed the cops to leave her alone. When I always past that house I had to be ready to pedal as fast as I can and the woman payed the cops every time her dogs did something bad. For me and my brother it was almost impossible to learn how to ride a bike but frequently the impossible could become possible if you don’t give

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