
The Handmaid's Tale Quotes And Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Reading Check pg 87:
As the tale begins, the rioters are at a tavern between the time of 6:00 and 9:00 AM drinking when they see a coffin go by. Considering it is moning, the rioters have been drinking all night which expresses their gluttony of alcohol, a deadly sin.

2. The rioters vow “to live and die for one another as brother-born might swear to his born brother” on their journey to killing “death.” 3. The Old Man leads the three men to the treasure which then in turn leads them to there death. He is a “very poor old man,” who want nothing but to die. “Not even Death,alas,will take my life; So, like wretched prisoner at strife Within himself, I walk alone and wait about the earth.”

4. The rioters draw lots after finding the treasures to decide who out of the three of them will go to town for bread and wine.

5. Each of the rioters receive their dues by dying for their sins. …show more content…

A. Chaucer not only brings the old man into the tale to symbolize a large element of the story but to also move the three men along to their deaths. The old man is crucial to pushing the plot and action of the tale. He tricks the men giving them directions to find “Death” but instead sends them to their own deaths. When talking to the three men, he even shadows their deaths. “When you are old- if you should live till then.”
B. He is an interesting, “poor old man,” who might symbolize death or be a personification for old age . He says that “Not even Death, alas, will take my life;” which means he is looking to die. He is knocking on the gates of death to let him in but he is a symbol for living in old age misery. He could possibly symbolize death because the tavern-knave says to the rioters before they left to “Be primed to meet him everywhere you go.” This means that death isn’t just in one place and the three men running into an old man who led them to their own deaths couldn't have been just coincidence, because everything is there for a reason. He could be “death”

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