
The Handmaid's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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Visualize a society controlled by a group of people, who lust having control of every aspect in a society. Making a place where only them has power and can decide of what they want. Creating rules to take over every habitant’s rights and destroying their identity, making them perfect slaves for their idealistic society. Think about a society where the most important individuals are the one who gets nothing but disrespect and neglect from the other citizens. Generally, these subjects are distained by the society, but this changes as soon as some very important and high-ranking personality needs them. From The Handmaid’s Tale, readers learned about a country being oppressed by a male chauvinist government. This took place after catastrophic events …show more content…

Handmaids cannot trust each other afraid of the eyes and the secret police who works for the government. Handmaids are only allowed out of the commander’s house for shopping purposes and doctors appointments. When going shopping they must go with another handmaid who will act as shopping partner but mainly as a spy. They will pay attention to every detail even the simplest thing might become a big deal. Margaret Atwood wrote in her novel The Handmaid’s Tale, “During these walks she never said anything that was not strictly orthodox neither have I. She May be a real believer, a Handmaid in more than name. I can’t take the risk” (1985, p.22). Saying something that can infer or even encourage to rebellion is considered as a big threat. And the price to pay for having said those words might be death but it varies according to the person’s social status, in the case of a Martha compared to a handmaid will be very different, as this society needs only fertile women. In this case the handmaids are the one who can get pregnant so the death of one handmaid makes a big difference, it is one fertile woman in less. And this society needs fertile woman to reach their goal of re-populating the

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