
The Handmaid 's Tale By Margaret Atwood

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Sarah Tyrrell AP Literature Summer Reading September 11, 2015 The Handmaid’s Tale In her book, “The Handmaid’s Tale”, Margaret Atwood describes a dystopian society in which all of the progress in the feminist movement that was made during the twentieth century is reversed and the nation is reverted back to its traditional patriarchal ways. The story is told from the point of view of Offred, a woman who was separated from her husband and child and forced into the life of a handmaid. In this book, Atwood explores the oppression of women through her use of literary tools such as figurative language, symbols, and literary allusions. Throughout the book, the author uses figurative language, specifically similes, to explain the maltreatment and abuse of women in the Republic of Gilead. In describing the conditions at the red center, the narrator explains that Aunt Lydia said to “think of it as being in the army” (7). By this she meant that every woman in the center would wear the same clothes, use the same blankets and pillows, adhere to strict regulations, and have no personal items. The center was tough to get through but even harder to get out of. The women were not allowed to be exposed to anything that could potentially harm them because the “Aunts” and the “Eyes” know that they would take the chance. If the women are being sent to a place where they would rather kill themselves than continue on or try to escape, then it leads one to believe that they are being horribly

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