
The Habits For Reading : The Importance Of Reading

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At a very young age I developed a hatred for reading. It felt like a chore that my teachers and parents were forcing me to do. Reading for pleasure was never really my thing, I didn’t see the importance of it. Not to mention, I was never as good as everyone else at it. I could never fully grasped what exactly I was reading as quickly as others.
As I started getting older my teachers began assigning readings as homework, which I would avoid at all cost. I would ask people in class to summarize it for me or I would skim it over before class so I knew what everyone else was talking about. At the start of middle school, my friends would talk about how they could get lost into books for hours. I felt a little left out at some times because I never had anything to add to the conversation or relate to it on any personal level. I decided to try and read other books outside of school that I wasn’t forced into. I read what my friends had or were already reading so I could add to the conversation. But this just caused me to develop really bad reading habits. I would skim through each book, never really taking the time to enjoy it. When I “finished” my friends would ask me questions or talk about it, and of course I was totally lost. Causing me come to the conclusion that reading was never going to be my thing.
When I started high school, I carried these bad habits with me. I would only read what I forced to, but even then I would feel lost when we would talk about it in class. Like

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