
Essay on The Growing Battle for Women's Equality

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The Growing Battle for Women's Equality

For generations women have been fighting for equality in our country. Although there have been many advances in this movement women are still treated unequally today. One of the most critical problems with women's rights today deals with women in the work place. Human rights violations against women must be documented, publicized, and stopped. Human rights violations against women have for too long been denied the attention and concern of international organizations, national governments, traditional human rights groups, and the press. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of women around the globe continue to endure debilitating and often fatal human rights abuses (, 1). No one …show more content…

On July 19 and 20 several women meet and call the meeting for women's rights at the Seneca Falls Convention. In 1850 Lucy Stone and other feminists met in Massachusetts and draw up a resolution demanding for suffrage and equality. The Second National Women's Rights Convention is held in 1851. In 1852 Susan B. Anthony sets up the Women's New York State Temperance Society, and Stanton acts as the president. In 1860 women fill in for men in the factories and stores during the Civil War. Anthony and Stanton draft a petition demanding for Congress to initiate an amendment to prohibit several states from disenfranchising any citizens on the grounds of sex in 1866. Then in 1869 the National Woman Suffrage Association is formed to push for an amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. Four years later Anthony and sixteen other women are arrested for trying to vote. Then in 1878 Stanton and Anthony present the Anthony Amendment to Congress . The amendment gives women the right to vote and is reintroduced each year for the next 41 years until it becomes the 19th Amendment. In 1890 17.2% of the work force are women wage earners, this meant that more than 4 million women were working. Finally in 1919 the 19th Amendment is approved by the House and the Senate. Then in 1920 the amendment is ratified and declared official (Marino, 1).
American society is marked by sex differentiation and sex stratification. The liberal approach to explaining

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