
The Great Hammerhead Shark Essay

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Strategy is not easily defined and furthermore the term is not exclusively related to just the business world. We can confidently say strategy is key to survival, not only in business but also in the animal kingdom. All animals under go a process of constant change in their physical appearance and in their behaviour. These changes take place over millions of years and the species that survive, do so because throughout their evolution they have perfected certain strategies that have enabled them to develop more successfully in the environment they inhabit. One such case of this successful development is the great hammerhead shark.
The great hammerhead shark, also known as Sphyrna mokarran, is a pelagic shark and is found world wide in …show more content…

(Society, 2014)

Great hammerheads primarily live in warm temperate and tropical coastal waters all around the globe, far offshore and near shorelines in depths between 1 - 300 meters and have also been observed entering estuarine water between latitudes 40 degrees N and 37 degrees S, down to a depth of 80 metres. It positions itself as a top predator in its environment. It has no major predators as it is widely feared in its habitat. Larger sharks will prey on juvenile and subadult great hammerheads. (Wikipedia, 2014)
The great hammerheads migrate seasonally and are often seen in mass summer migrations moving poleward seeking cooler water. They move back towards the equator over the winter months. During the day they are often found near the shore in schools of up to one hundred. At night they hunt further offshore, adults occur alone, in pairs or in small schools while young hammerheads occur in larger schools. Great hammerheads are most common at seamounts, especially near the Galapagos, Malpelo, Cocos and Revillagigedo Islands and within the Gulf of California.
Great hammerhead sharks appear to adapt well to their environments. One of their capabilities is that they are opportunistic predators and are willing to eat anything they can get their hands on to help them survive. Consequently, one concern would be the changes in temperature in the water. The hammerhead does not seem to adapt well to the cooler waters.
Additionally, the hammerheads

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