
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Color Symbolism In The Great Gatsby When F. Scott Fitzgerald was writing The Great Gatsby, he was not only working as a writer, he was an artist painting a piece through his words. While making the lives of fictional characters come to life for the reader, one of the main tools he used to do this was by using the symbolism of colors. Nick Carraway, the main character, befriends many of the wealthiest and corrupt people of Long Island, while exposing them for what they truly are in the journeys he endures with them. His extravagant use of colors to illustrate scenes and characters helps us determine the symbolism behind them, and how they’re used to expose the true personalities of the characters. There are people who believe themselves to be pure and honest, while on the inside they truly obtain none of those qualities. The color white has always been associated with goodness and innocence; it’s usually the color one would think of when imagining an angel or the heavens. However, Fitzgerald uses this connotation with white in an ironic sense by using it to describe some of the most corrupt and none innocent people in the story. As Daniel J. Schneider states in his article on color symbolism in The Great Gatsby “White traditionally symbolizes purity, and there is no doubt that Fitzgerald wants to underscore the ironic disparity between the ostensible purity of Daisy and Jordan and their actual corruption.” Throughout the entire story, Fitzgerald is

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