
The Great Gatsby Compare And Contrast Essay

Decent Essays

Lydia Rios
Ms. Tobias
English 3 GT-4th
This paper will highlight several comparisons and contrasts between the novel and movie, The Great Gatsby. There will be a brief description of how the text was portrayed in the novel, movie and how they are similar. Then the same, but with how they are different. In conclusion, there will be a summary of why the similarities and differences are important and how they made the novel or movie stronger or weaker. Also, how comparing the two led to why the way text is portrayed is important and because of that, which form of art expressed the story better. Then, a way to improve that art.
I thought, Gatsby and Tom were expressed miraculously. I knew Gatsby was ascertained correctly when I heard him speak. Nick says that Gatsby’s “elaborate formality of speech just missed being absurd”, also that “he …show more content…

I pictured Myrtle more as Charlotte La Bouff from The Princess and the Frog, not how she was in the movie. The driving scenes also threw me off. It did not look like driving in the 1920’s, (The Great Gatsby) it looked how driving would be in the future. The scene could have been shot differently to express a more 1920’s ambiance. Also, Gatsby’s funeral was ruined. I feel that cutting out his father and owl eyes from that scene changed the tone as well (The Great Gatsby). I was really looking forward to seeing his father and seeing how proud he was of Gatsby, but then again I like that the writers decided to cut that out and put the press in instead. The press was all huddled around Gatsby trying to get a pick of the man who hosted those wild parties, all payed for by the money of bootlegging, and the man who allegedly “killed” Myrtle. By cutting that scene out, it stressed that Nick was the only one that really cared for

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