
The Great Gatsby Character Analysis

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Two books, Two gunshots, Two good men dead. One wealthy and sad the other poor and happy. In the book The Great Gatsby there are a few characters with large amounts of money and wealth. In Of Mice and Men many of the characters are poor farm workers but they all seem happy. Money doesn't bring happiness it only brings anger and disaster.
In The Great Gatsby there are a few characters with large amounts of money and wealth. These few character never seem to be happy for long periods of time even tho they have all the money in the world. One of the wealthy characters is Tom Buchanan, “Lives in East Egg”,(Fitzgerald 5) and went to school with Nick at yale. Tom plays polo and has won many trophies and prestigious awards. Tom is referenced to be an angry person and when he is in the book he is either drinking or arguing with someone. Jay Gatsby “Owns a mansion on West Egg next to Nick”, (5) he threw a huge party every weekend and no one was ever invited they just showed up. He threw them just so the love of his life would show up to one, her name is Daisy Buchanan, Tom’s wife. When Gatsby starts seeing Daisy again is a point in the book where he is happy and he convinces her to tell her husband tom that she doesn’t love him and she never loved him. On the way home daisy was driving Gatsby’s car and when they were going through the valley of ashes someone jumped in front of the car and got wrecked. It turns out that the person that got hit was Tom's mistress that we hear about in

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