
The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Society tends to have a numerous of unarticulated problems that torment its aggregate as a whole. With several issues that rankle from the center of the core to the outside, society continues to ignore the problem. “The Great Gatsby” is a symbolic interpretation on the 1920s America, in particular the demoralization of the American dream in an era of unrivaled material excess. This novel is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald and it relates to the determination of the American dream. Desire for the American dream created a loss or moral values through corruption, affairs and being wasteful.

Throughout the novel, the essence of corruption is conveyed in the American dream through the desire of wealth. Gatsby works for his wealth to …show more content…

Thus, the desire for the american dream moreover rendered through the affairs the characters have.

Furthermore, the affairs represent the ambition of fulfilling the american dream which eventual leads to the character 's downfall. Myrtle has an affair with Tom because she wants to abscond the Valley of Ashes and live a luxurious life, which is her american dream. Myrtle says, “ The only crazy I was was when I married him. I knew right away I made a mistake. He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in, and never told me about it, and the man cne after it one day when he was out: “Oh, is that your suit?” I said. “This is the first I ever heard about it.:” (Fitzgerald 37) Here it attest that Myrtle had an obnoxious marriage and she wants to escape her marriage to be with Tom. It also shows how materialistic she is and that she didn’t admire that George couldn’t afford his own suit. Unfortunately, trying to escape to her american dream lead to her death. Wanting to live the upper class life, provoked her to have an affair leading to the loss of her moral value love as she used Tom to get to the upper class life; doing wrongdoings even though it is wrong, to achieve the good. On the other hand, Gatsby wants Daisy in order to actualize his american dream. However, he doesn’t discern that he only wants the idea of possessing a glamourous young girl. Gatsby states, “ Daisy’s voice is full of

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