
Great Depression Government Programs

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The Great Depression was the longest and deepest depression in American history. It started in 1929 and ended in 1939 (Szostak). The reasoning for this would be: Stock market crash, bank failures, reduction in purchasing across the board, American economic policy with Europe, and lastly drought conditions. All were Jurassic conditions that led America into this horrid depression (Kelly). The government however came up with certain acts and programs to help get us out of this depression. The government programs that helped Americans during the Great Depression were Roosevelt’s New Deal, Federal Loan Act, and the Agricultural Marketing Act. Roosevelt’s New Deal was a major part in helping end this depression. It was a multitude of acts that were passed, such as: Securities and Exchange Commission, Civil Conversation Crops, Works Progress Administration, National Recovery Administration, Federal Emergency Relief Agency, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Homeowners Loan Corporation, Tennessee Valley Authority, National Labor Relations Act, Social Security Administration, Soil Conversation Act, Fair Labor Standard Act (Great D., New Deal). Although there is a lot of acts that were passed, there are some that were more important than others. One being the Civil Conservation Crops
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(CCC) which gave those who did have a job, work. By building bridges, cleaning up campsites, making fire trails, and to construct dams. Putting over 2 million men to work (WPA). The Federal Emergency

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