
The Great Chief Justice : John Marshall And The Rule Of Law

Decent Essays

The Great Chief Justice: John Marshall and the Rule of Law by Charles F. Hobson examines the judicial career of John Marshall, as well as the legal culture that helped to shape his political beliefs and his major constitutional opinions. The author sources much of his information from the formal opinions that Marshall issued during his judicial career. From these writings, Hobson presents Marshall 's views on law and government and provides explanations for what in Marshall 's life influenced those beliefs. Hobson explains that he has examined Marshall 's judicial writings through "the perspective of the common law tradition in which [Marshall] was bred" (Hobson xiii). He states that Marshall read legal texts with a great attention to detail in an attempt to understand the intent of the writer. Similarly, Hobson tries to gain a better understanding of Marshall 's principles by analyzing his legal writings. Because Marshall wrote with such care, looking into his writings allowed Hobson to gain insight into the experiences of Marshall and to conclude how he came to both his beliefs and principles. Marshall 's thought helps one understand cases before the Marshall Court better because many of his decisions display common themes, which can be traced back to experiences he has had in his life. Three significant life experiences helped to formulate Marshall 's political principles and influence his judicial career: the American Revolution, the state legislature of the

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