I. Introduction
Never before has there been one single element that has the capacity to affect everything we do today. From the privacy of your home to the office you occupy daily or from how services such as gas and water are delivered to us. What began with the Industrial Revolution has now progressed into what is now the Digital Revolution.
Cybersecurity is one of many important elements when it comes to information security and how to protect it. From the laws and regulations to who is ultimately responsible and the one to assume responsibility when breaches take place. Whether it is the government or the private sector, someone has to take charge because we all have a vested interest in protecting our families, our businesses and our nation’s security in cyberspace.
In this paper I researched into what government intervention is in the works when it comes to cybersecurity and protecting national security, the responsibility of the private sector as it pertains to the protection of critical infrastructure in the support of national security, and a past reflection on successful cyberattacks that stress the point that continued partnerships are required to be successful.
II. Governing Cybersecurity
The government when required have to make the tough decisions to pass the right legislation along and regulations in the best interest of the safety and security of the nation. Unfortunately today the political stage is polarized and when there should be bipartisanship to
The most recents detections of how cyber warfare is inevitably coming was the accusations of Russia hacking the the Democratic National Committee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email’s releasing damaging evidence against them which ultimately lead to Donald Trump being named the President of The United States (Diamond, 2016). The effects of cyber warfare have leaked over in to televise series, forming shows such as CSI cyber, and the gaming world, Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare. Neglect regarding cyber security can: undermine the reputation of both the government and elected officials; force unacceptable expenditures associated with the cost of cleaning up after security breaches; cripple governments' abilities to respond to a wide variety of homeland security emergency situations or recover from natural or man-made threats; and disable elected officials' ability to govern (Lohrmann, 2010). Classified information such as overseas operators and attacks, missile locations, response plans and weaknesses, and much more cripples America’s ability to defend itself from enemies both foreign and domestic. To combat cyber terrorism is the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA. In an article titled “Why Cybersecurity Information Sharing Is A Positive Step for Online Security” it is discussed that under CISA, the Department of Homeland security will have more responsibility for domestic cybersecurity. CISA’s fundamental purpose is to better enable cybersecurity information to be shared between the private and public sectors (2016). The sharing of threat information between public and private sectors can give the the United States a head start by allowing them to share information rapidly and more often to combat enemy threats while still providing safety for privacy and civil
With the Age of technology advancing, the more cyber-attacks are occurring. Many of our information are on computer networks and we like to think that our information is well protect. But how protected is our information? Cybersecurity bills are introduced in Congress almost every year. These bills regularly imply to permit organizations and the government to divulge dangerous information for a “cybersecurity” reason to secure and safeguard against attacks against networks and computer systems.
The issue of strong cybersecurity efforts in the United States has been especially topical in 2017, and on the rise over the last few years. The Equifax breach and the breaching of the Democratic Party during the 2016 Presidential Election are recent examples that are bringing up the conversation of cybersecurity and make citizens curious of whether or not the United States government has plans in place to deter these events from happening. People are already worried about the damages these attacks can cause with consequences such as stolen information or monetary loss of close to five billion dollars in 2017 alone (cybersecurityventures.com). Although there are already solid plans in place to raise cybersecurity efforts in the United
One key issue in Homeland Security and Emergency Management is the threat to cyber security. Terrorism has evolved over the years to more sophisticated and planned out attacks. Some of the attacks are stopped before the plans are carried out thanks to our nations Homeland Security experts, but many attacks go unnoticed by the public and security professionals, this is because of the method of cyberterrorism. Cyberterrorism can be described as varied as stealing data and hacking, planning terrorist attack, causing violence, or attacking information systems (Foltz,2004). The act of cyberterrorism leaves many people and our nation vulnerable if the terrorist is successful at stealing critical
As a nation, today’s society must invest in cyber security to execute military power, protect citizens information, and safeguard businesses.
Today’s Government is faced with many challenges when it comes down to Information Assurance compliance. The Government is faced with the impossible task of unifying all systems and ensuring that they meet all the mission needs. So this paper will include an analysis of cybersecurity metrics as well a governmental policy framework. I will discuss some cybersecurity strategies, frameworks, workplace threats caused by modern day technology, and at least one governments strategic prospective as it relates to their methodology of what a cybersecurity policy should be.
On February 12, 2015 president Obama signed an executive order with the intention to expand the Cybersecurity of the U.S. and to promote principles of collaboration not just in America but around the globe. Cybersecurity has been identified as one of the most challenging subjects of the 21st-century; moreover, cyber-attacks can further compromise the future of our economic development as much as our national security and the decrement of our civil rights and privacy. Since Obama initiate his administration, he has been working on establishing the framework to better balance the interaction between, government agencies, private sector, and the general public. The objective in this essay is to better understand the connotations from several
The topic of choice for this session Long project is Critical Infrastructure Protection Cyber Vulnerability Assessment. The cyberspace is described as the unit source of all the infrastructure in the US. Critical infrastructure vulnerability and protection is defined in parts by different scholars. The phrase does not exist in full from the literature. However, (Parks, 2007) defines critical infrastructure vulnerability as the risk of setting up interdependent infrastructure. (Parks, 2007) Argues that the society today exists based on an extensive system instituted by interconnection and networking organizations within different fields of operations. The author continues to argue that all state organizations depend on each to a certain. However, there has been increased interactions among all the infrastructures of the country. The government has therefore taken the sole duty of monitoring vulnerability as a way of improving protection.
Evaluating the various laws, regulations, and legal concepts specific to cybersecurity and how it relates to managerial decisions within the private sector, in addition to the ability of protecting national security is a frequent topic of discussion within the cybersecurity, government and private sector communities. Although this topic is often debated, there is no true right or wrong response to how managerial decisions should be made when discussing cybersecurity. Ultimately, the decision to have government intervene in private industry regarding cybersecurity issues may rest with popular demand and/or private industry voluntarily accepting government recommendations. While technology is consistently changing and advancing, government laws
Our country's citizens are under attack and our government continues to ignore it and refuses to do anything about it. According to the CEO of Taia Global cyber security consultants, "Security experts question the government's capabilities and see the president's plans as falling short of what is really needed" (Schupak). In select cases, the government is incapable of measures to protect the people, and in these cases it becomes their responsibility to join with the private sector to ensure that the people are provided with enough protection. It is the government's job to protect the people. The officials in office need to step it up or step down. If providing adequate protection, in times when there is a constant and imminent threat to the people, is too much to ask then we need to ask them so hand their responsibilities over to people that can. The people need protection and the government needs to see that it is
The National Security State or doctrine is influence through an ideology and institution that was official by the National Security Act of 1947 that stated “to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." It stated that military power is the highest authority. Its claims that not only can it handle internal or external affairs, but it also input power and can affect society. Its heavily influence through economic, politics, and military affairs. Through the National Security State it is stated as a ideology that “freedom” and “development” can be achieved through the hand of the elites. The Social Service state is refers to a variety of programs that’s need special assistance. For example, such as the disable, unemployment, desertion, or old age. The benefits can be through education, health care, housing by the government to help aid the disabled.
Introduction: - for my research project, I would like to explore about the cyber security measures. Cybersecurity covers the fundamental concepts underlying the construction of secure systems from the hardware to the software to the human computer interface, with the use of cryptography to secure interactions. These concepts are easily augmented with hands-on exercises involving relevant tools and techniques. We have different types of computer related crimes, cybercrimes, computer related offenses, federal approaches defenses. The information resources management has the technical matters for which IT are widely known. Cyber resources and cyber power as well as cyber security. We have spent a lot of time talking about many different high level critical infrastructure protection concepts we have general rule stayed away from cyber security explaining the ins and out of how the NIPP and NRF work together to ensure that we can live our daily live in relative comfort.
The article begins by giving a brief introduction of the genesis of the problem whereby R. White, T. Boult and E. Chow identifies the September 11 attack as the genesis for a need to mitigate the vulnerability of the key infrastructures in the US. They build up a history of the progress that has been taking place since 2001 whereby in 2002, Homeland Security Act was enacted and mandated the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with a prime obligation of protecting the Critical infrastructure in the US. The department developed a protection plan which is in use up to date. However, these authors point out that the plan was full of flaws according to a research conducted by National Research council of
For starters, issues of national security should not be taken lightly. As a result, certain authoritative measures should be instituted in place to prevent any future catastrophes from taking place. Pursuing this further, as a definition, national security is the government and its legislatures protecting the state and its citizens against any type of national crises (Holmes, 2016). In addition, one of the best examples of a crisis that lead to an increase in national security was the events that took place, in the United States, on September 11th, 2001. In order to protect the citizens of the United States, sometimes, extremely obdurate decisions will need to be made, some of which can be called unconstitutional by Americans.
One of the fastest growing and challenging fields of law enforcement is the realm of cybersecurity and cybercrime prevention. Though the field is still in its infancy at the municipal level, there are many opportunities at the federal level that focus on matters of national security. Many countries are now dependent on internet-connected information systems that directly affect their critical infrastructure (Tofan, Andrei, & Dinca, 2012). Unfortunately, an attack against this critical infrastructure can completely cripple a nation, as evidenced in Estonia in 2007 (Shaikh & Kalutaragek, 2016). This particular attack is often seen as the first cyberattack on a nation’s critical infrastructure, and targeted governmental websites and financial institutions (Tofan et al., 2012). The attack lasted two weeks, and devastated the country’s network infrastructure (Tofan et al., 2012). Another recent example of the potentially disastrous effects of cyber-warfare is the 2010 Stuxnet attack on an Iranian nuclear reactor. In this particular event, the true dangers of a cyberattack were realized as sophisticated malware caused uranium enrichment centrifuges to fail (Singer, 2015). As the nature of cybercrime and cyber-espionage continues to evolve, law enforcement professionals will need to be hired and trained to meet the challenge head-on.