
The Godfather: Scene Analysis

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The scene I chose to watch on YouTube from the film The Godfather was the Baptism Scene. The reason I chose this scene was because during the Baptism there was other things happening at the same time, and it was really gripping, and I didn’t want to look away because I wanted to see what was going to happen. First, the baby was so cute, and I just had to mention that. Now moving on to the acting, I thought that the people shown during this scene’s acting was incredible. We see Michael becoming the godfather to Connie’s child, but also becoming the Godfather to the Corleone family. During this scene, he seems very out of it and like a blank canvas on his face, almost as if he has no emotion at all. You would think that being at a Baptism would make you very emotional but when looking at Michaels face, we …show more content…

Michael is becoming the Don, which is a position filled with violence and evilness. The irony is that it seems like Michael is being baptized as well, but an evil unspiritual baptism. We get close shots of the baby and then shots of a man putting a gun together, all while the priest is talking and the organ is playing. The sound of the organ distinguishes between the peaceful baptism and the evilness and sins that are happening in the outside world. When they go from shots of the baby, to shots of the men preparing to kill, it shows how they are all about to deceive God through the intentions of murder. There was the man at the barbers who looks at his watch anxiously, and although no words are being spoken other than the priests, his acting portrays this emotion. One of the men was sweating heavily and he goes to wipe the sweat away. The baby starts to cry and things begin to get more intense as the bloodbath in the outside world gets closer and closer, and this scene was just truly captivating and intense, and I looked around the room, and every student was watching it as

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