
The Godfather Film Analysis

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The Godfather, directed by Francis Coppola follows a family deeply entangled in the New York organized crime world. The film is a classic, and at one point was the highest grossing film in American History. Winning countless awards, such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Adapted Screenplay. The film isSomething that goes unnoticed in the film, but plays a huge impact on how the film is perceived is the camera work. The God Father uses various camera techniques, such as visual obstruction, lighting manipulation, and a variety of camera angles to enhance the mood of the scene.
In many of the scenes in the God Father, there is some type of visual obstruction prohibiting the viewer from seeing a full, uninterrupted screen. The effect of this has on the film is that it places the viewer in the movie, making it feel more authentic. For the majority of the opening scene, while speaking to the God Father, Bonasers body is covering the right third of the screen. When the camera perspectives changes and Bonaser come into frame, the Godfather’s head covers the lower third of the screen. During the interaction between the two characters, the viewer doesn’t ever get a clear shot of either of them speaking. Such obstruction is incredibly intentional. The effect this has on the scene is that it makes it feel more authentic. The obstruction places the viewer in the scene, emulating the perspective one would get if they were actually sitting behind either of the characters.

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