
The Globalization Of Eating Disorders By Susan Bordo

Decent Essays

When western culture is spread, it can have adverse effects on those who it reaches. In “The Globalization of Eating Disorders” Susan Bordo attributes the spread of eating disorders to western culture. Specifically, she has noticed that the number of eating disorders has risen in Fiji, Central Africa, and Asia. For example, Central Africans favored plump women before a woman whose beauty conformed to western ideals was the first black African to win the Miss World Pageant (259). This article argues that the dominant culture can be poisonous. Not only does western culture affect how women see their bodies, but it also affects how they see their wits. “When Bright Girls Decide that Math Is ‘a Waste of Time’” by Susan Jacoby claims that girls shy away from scientific and mathematical (STEM) fields because they fear being unattractive by males and the intimidation of male-dominated careers. Women are more likely to major in fine arts, social sciences or education (32). According to Susan Jacoby, girls who decide to cut math and science out of their schedules set limitations on what they are capable of. External influences are to blame for women developing eating disorders and shying away from STEM fields. Western society has a relatively strict idea about how a woman should look, think, and act. It lauds thinness and is disgusted by fatness. This kind of notion causes women to seriously question themselves. Ideal bodies and faces are all over the media and are a very large

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