
The Giver Movie Vs Book Analysis

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If you've ever read The Giver by Lois Lowry, you know that she twist and turns the way you think of things. She makes you think of the "perfect world" and what risks are you willing to take for the ones you "love". Is love even real? Or is it that just something made up? The Giver makes you ponder questions like that. The movie, the movie was completely different aspect from the book. They had the same facts and the same plot but it was different. But who would watch a movie that was the exact same as the book? The differences and similarities are what makes the movie exceptional. Going from book to movie can be a huge transition. It takes a lot of work & you …show more content…

In the book it was in a box on a piece of paper. In the movie it was on a hologram that Jonas could open and it would read the instructions for him. When the ceremony for all ages happened, each group would walk onto the stage. The would step forward when their number was called, then go sit back down. In the book that never happened. Also the elder who read the jobs out loud was a hologram she wasn't really there. But in the book she was. When Asher's job got called, there was a difference too. The book said he was a athletic director, in the move he was a pilot. That was a major difference. I think they(the elders) put Asher as a pilot because of the end of the movie where he drops Jonas and Gabe into the waterfall. Obviously going from book to movie there are going to be differences. But they also have many similarities. You can't make a movie based off a book without most of it being the same. One huge similarity I noticed was the color. If you ever watched the movie you know that in the beginning its all black and white. As the movie progresses, you notice that color starts to fade in. You are looking through Jonas's eyes and sees what he starts

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