
The Giver, By Lois Lowry

Good Essays

Would you like to live in a society where anger, greed, hate and pain are eliminated? A society where differences are nonexistent and the feelings of envy and jealousy are extinct? It sounds wonderful, but what does this society cost its citizens? Lois Lowry wrote The Giver, and when it adapted into the film, it is directed by Phillip Noyce. The film takes place in a society that has eliminated the differences within people. They have little emotion, cannot see colors, and have no memory of all the past events like war, pain, animals, and emotions. They are all assigned jobs at a young age and Jonas is assigned as the receiver of memory. He keeps all the memories of the past to provide wisdom for the future. Once the current receiver of memory (the giver) gives him all of these memories and emotions he realizes that keeping all of these things from the community is wrong. He sees his father releasing (killing) babies and his father did not realize he was killing them. Jonas’ family was caring for a child that was not mature enough to be in the nurturing center and is eventually scheduled to be released. Jonas took the baby out of the community, crossed the boundary and restores all the emotions and memories to the entire population. Is a perfect, predictable, systematic society worth sacrificing personal choice and emotional individuality? No, emotions and personal choices give our lives purpose, drives us to become more; these things make us human. The intended

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