
The Giant Panda

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The Giant Panda (scientifically known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca) are members of the Ursidae (bear) family. They are a conservation reliant endangered species living in the mountainous regions of South-west China. Due China’s rapidly expanding population more and more of this land is being cleared Ailuropoda melanoleuca are members of the Ursidae (bear) family. They are the only species in its genus.Biogeographical data (including habitat information and species niche within the ecosystem) Giant Pandas live in the mountainous regions of South-west China. They live in temperate broadleaf and mixed forests. They are steadily losing their forest habitat due to China’s expanding human population. They have been restricted to some 20 isolated patches of forest above 1,200m on six mountain ranges in south-western China: Minshan, Qinling, Qionglai, Liangshan, Daxiangling, and Xiaoxiangling. An analysis of satellite imagery has shown that Giant Pandas have lost 50% of their already vastly reduced habitat between 1974 and 1989. The major factors contributing the loss of habitat are the conversion of forests into agricultural areas, medicinal herb collection, bamboo harvesting, poaching and large scale development such as road construction, hydropower development and mining. Due to Chinas dense population Giant Pandas are restricted to narrow belts of bamboo forest no more than 1.2km wide and this small amount is continuing to disappear as settlers push higher up the mountain

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