
The Gettysburg Address Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

The Gettysburg Address made by Abraham Lincoln is a very famous speech. Another famous speech is Dr Martin Luther King Jr speech at the Lincoln Memorial. These speeches were both made to help with racism and to talk about it in the south. Both of these speeches have tones, purposes, and structures to them and I am going to break them all down.
These speeches are very In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln is trying to dedicate the battlefield to the men who died in the war. Lincoln is using a firm tone in this speech to stay strong about the incident but show that he is still hurt by it. Lincoln says,“We can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow--this ground.”(Gettysburg Address) He says that to show to the readers how important it is that they do this that day. King's “I Have a Dream” speech is very different in the tone he is very dedicated to getting what he is fighting for so he is being appealing to the crowd. King says,“I am happy to be here today in what will go down in history.”(I Have a Dream) In that caption he is happy to be there and to get done what he has been working towards for years. …show more content…

Lincoln in trying to dedicate the battlefield to the men and woman who died in the war. He says, “We have come today to dedicate a portion of this field.”(Gettysburg Address)That shows that he is dedicating a portion of the field to the people who died on it. King is trying to convince the lawmakers to pass the law that makes all blacks and whites equal. King tells us this by saying, ”The greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.”(I Have a Dream) Which shows he is trying to convince the law makers to make a

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