
The Gettysburg Address And The Emancipation Proclamation

Decent Essays

Abraham Lincoln is known as the sixteenth president of the United States. A self-taught lawyer by trade who was born in a one room cabin in Kentucky, he came from meek beginnings. Mr. Lincoln was only known to have a few years of formal schooling he had to work to help support his family. He moved to the capital of Illinois and practiced as a lawyer. This is where he earned his nick name of Honest Abe. He was known to help the common man. He met and married a woman named Mary Todd. They had four sons. One of which passed away with Typhoid fever. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth in Ford’s theater on April 14, 1865 and died the very from a gunshot to the head. He never lived to see the Union win the war with the plans he helped devise. He next day is known in history for his moving speeches. Two of the main speeches are the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation. Both of these are remembered today as turning points in history. Honest Abe was not only our president but a leader in that he felt like he needed to protect our constitution and the rights it afforded us but also protect the Union. He was a level headed man in a time of war and conflict. He was elected to office when the Union was in a state of unrest due to the issue of slavery. Several states succeeded when he was elected to office. This set up a series of events that lead to the beginning of the civil war. The steps that he took forever changed the history of the United States. Abe Lincoln

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