
The Gender Pay Gap

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For centuries, women were told they had to stay at home and tend to the cooking, the cleaning, and raise the children, while the men provided for the family. Before the 1920’s, women could not work. They were expected to be housewives and that only. Once legislation allowed women to start working, they were seamstresses, or nurses. Today, women are working in the same careers as men. Women, however, are seen as being less valuable than the man. The man is in charge; he holds all the power, and women must obey to their commands. And the men are the ones making a larger income than the women today. Even though women are working at the same workplace, they are being paid less than that of a white man. The gender pay gap is real. It is not a myth like some people say. Women are working just as hard as men. Why should they be paid less? The gender pay gap needs to come to a close, providing equal pay to not both sexes, but all race sexes as well. So how much does a woman make compared to a man? In 2016, it was calculated that a white woman makes about 82 cents for every dollar that the white man earns. However, for women of different races, the amount varies compared to the white man. A writer, Danielle Paquette, states in an article of hers, “Wages for Hispanic women flatlined, and pay for African American women declined. Men, meanwhile, have dealt with more wage stagnation” (Paquette, 2017). For the African-American women, it is about 63 cents to every dollar, and Hispanic

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