
The Function Of The Song Beijing Welcomes You By Ke Zhaolei

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Music can be found everywhere in our world and has many different functions. Since music is universal it is important to understand the way describe music using terms such as timbre, pitch, rhythm and dynamics as well as keeping in mind the social, cultural and political roles that music falls into. The song “Beijing Welcomes You” is a chinese song composed by Ke Zhaolei for the 2008 Beijing olympics and features many different artists from Asia. This recorded piece of music is a representation of modern day chinese music as well as the incorporation of the Beijing culture.
In the song “Beijing Welcomes You”, there is a clear distinction that the song is sung by both female and male artists based on the vocal timbre of the song. The vocal …show more content…

The pattern of the song has a beat that repeats itself at a fixed rate. In addition to the fixed rate, the song has an accent where one beat is emphasized and this can be heard by the increased volume of that specific note. Towards the end of the song, the melodic contour of the song can be described as a descending melodic contour as the pitches descend from high to low. This is done by the artist holding out their voices for a lengthened amount of time. Furthermore, the phonic structure of this piece can be described as a monophonic piece. Monophony means that the performers play the same pitches with the same rhythms. Even though the song incompasses a wide varitey of instruments, the rhythm of the song stays relatively the same Another important aspect of the song is the dynamics. The beginning of the song can be classified as a crescendo because of the increased musical sound from the instruments, however, towards the end there is a decrescendo as the volume falls off and the artists holds on and extends the last note. The crescendo in the beginning of the song is interesting to note because the song starts off acapella and gradually the volume begins to increase when the first musical instrument comes into play. Last but not least, this piece of music contains a lot of repetition. The vocal repetition of the songs title serves as a

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