
The Freedom Of Religion

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Living in United States is a bless for every citizen because people got their rights when they were born or immigrated. In the constitution, First Amendment is the law that protect five basic freedoms; there are freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. However, all of the five rights made this amendment become the most argumentative amendment. It is not strange to everyone because each person has a different opinion about these rights. The right that I concern the most is the freedom of religion. Based on the dictionary, religious freedom is one of the basic human rights, manifested by the fact that people have the right to think, defend, pursue, choose their own religion. The roles of religion in our spiritual life are offering us lessons of life and becoming the moral support whenever we feel desperate. For instance, Buddhism teaches the Buddhists belief in samsara, which means living this life leniently leads to the happiness in the next life. From there, Buddhism encourages the spirit of love, compassion, and humility. Also, Catholics are taught that the difficulties and challenges in life are the temptations of the devil, only those who overcome them can enter the kingdom of heaven to live eternal life. Every religion directs human to the good, teaches us the lessons of improving our lives. However, historically, there have been many controversial cases of religion such as the case of

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