
The Forgotten Group Member

Decent Essays

Part I: Group Developments Group development begins with the forming stage where members ask questions, get to know each other and discover acceptable behaviors. The storming stage, or second step, is the period where there may be emotional outbreaks and tension within the group. This progresses to the third or norming stage where team members start to work together as a unit, the performing stage where the team is well integrated and functioning as a team. And lastly the adjourning stage when the team is ending as a group and group accomplishments are celebrated. Darlene thinks Christine’s team is now in the norming stage. Christine’s team first meeting was a forming stage meeting. This is supported by the fact that during this …show more content…

The Cons of this is it takes time and if the team was responsible and this was not necessary the time could have been spent on the required outcome instead of the team rules and charter. The pros of the secondary solution are additional time on the project outcomes if no problems occur. The Cons are if the problems do occur time gained would be lost on developing a plan that will deal with the problem. The first solution would require clearly define expected group behaviors with a formal team charter during the first meeting. A formal team charter would define the team goals up front and in this cause include the required group behaviors like punctuality, respect, assistance to team members, attending tem meeting, submitting required assignment on time and submitting completed and quality assignments. Team roles for the team members would also be clearly defined. This would have potentially avoided the problem Christine’s team had with Mike he would have had a team role and would of know his attendance was required. It is possible that Mike still may have tested the boundaries of the group to see what he could get away with not doing. Had Mike been educated on the importance of his roles and attending the meeting when he did not want come to 8:30 am meeting, he would have learned that his comedy was allowed but he also needed to make an effort to come to the group meeting. A secondary solution would be

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