
The For Good Quality Cement

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The clinker coming out of the kiln is at temperatures of around 1400oC. For good quality cement, this temperature has to be brought down to around 200oC in a limited period of time. Thus it is brought in contact with a cross circulation heat exchanging cooler.
The heat of the incoming clinker is recuperated in the secondary air at an efficiency which usually lies within 65% to 70
The clinker cooler has the following main functions:
1. Recuperate the clinker heat by heating up the combustion air (secondary and tertiary air)
2. Maintain a minimum cooling velocity in order to avoid unfavorable mineralogical clinker phases and crystal size
3. Facilitate clinker handling and storage.

Three groups of coolers can be defined according to their working principle:
A. On a grate cooler the clinker forms a bed which is transported along the grate by different mechanisms. The cooling air is blown from below the grate by fans and passes through the clinker bed in cross current. Only a Dart of this air can be used as combustion air, the rest of it has to be dedusted and wasted, unless it can be used for another purpose (e.g. raw material or coal drying, fuel oil preheating, heating of buildings, warm water preparation, etc.).
B. The operating principle of a tube cooler is quite similar to the one of a rotary kiln: the material and the cooling air are led in counter current through one or more slightly inclined rotating tubes. Special lifters are installed which increase the active heat

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