
The Five General Perspectives On Human Behavior Shape And Mold

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The five general perspectives on human behavior shape and mold every relationship we have with other people. An excellent example is evident in a loving relationship between a husband and his wife. The obvious medium in which Biology affects a spousal relationship is through the natural urges and tendencies that are dictated by our biology. This happens by way of the bodily organs, endocrine glands, genetics and other natural systems that are inherently part of human beings. Together they form the biological factors that push and pull all human beings including a loving husband and wife. They will affect how, and if the couple gets into a relationship, how they behave, and if they will stay together.
Marriages are, perhaps, the most …show more content…

Biology will affect personalities and attitudes. They must cope with these factors if the relationship is expected to last. Women may become irritable or emotional during their menstrual cycle while men may become violent and aggressive. Statistically women tend to be inherently more emotional, while men tend to be more aggressive. These are not rules of behavior but simply the biological tendencies of the two sexes. Behavior will also change as the biological clock keeps on ticking. As the husband and wife become older and hormone levels drop while health problems may rise, everyday behavior will change. The couple might not do some of the things they used to do as they get older. They may have less sex, more sex, work less or relax more. They may sleep more or become less physically active as energy or hormone levels decrease. Biology will affect the couple all the way from their births to their deaths.

We are wired from the beginning to need and want love. When we are born there is holding, stroking, kissing, nursing. Being close to the ones we love. It is something we crave throughout our lives in order to be happy and fulfilled human beings. Our behaviors in life are influenced by the five general perspectives, which are biological, learning, social & cultural, cognitive and psychodynamic. Human beings are made to reproduce. That is the main objective, husbands and wives must be sexually

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