The five general perspectives on human behavior shape and mold every relationship we have with other people. An excellent example is evident in a loving relationship between a husband and his wife. The obvious medium in which Biology affects a spousal relationship is through the natural urges and tendencies that are dictated by our biology. This happens by way of the bodily organs, endocrine glands, genetics and other natural systems that are inherently part of human beings. Together they form the biological factors that push and pull all human beings including a loving husband and wife. They will affect how, and if the couple gets into a relationship, how they behave, and if they will stay together.
Marriages are, perhaps, the most
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Biology will affect personalities and attitudes. They must cope with these factors if the relationship is expected to last. Women may become irritable or emotional during their menstrual cycle while men may become violent and aggressive. Statistically women tend to be inherently more emotional, while men tend to be more aggressive. These are not rules of behavior but simply the biological tendencies of the two sexes. Behavior will also change as the biological clock keeps on ticking. As the husband and wife become older and hormone levels drop while health problems may rise, everyday behavior will change. The couple might not do some of the things they used to do as they get older. They may have less sex, more sex, work less or relax more. They may sleep more or become less physically active as energy or hormone levels decrease. Biology will affect the couple all the way from their births to their deaths.
We are wired from the beginning to need and want love. When we are born there is holding, stroking, kissing, nursing. Being close to the ones we love. It is something we crave throughout our lives in order to be happy and fulfilled human beings. Our behaviors in life are influenced by the five general perspectives, which are biological, learning, social & cultural, cognitive and psychodynamic. Human beings are made to reproduce. That is the main objective, husbands and wives must be sexually
An example of a biological cause for our behaviour would be our hormones and our genetics inherited from our parents. In terms of serial killers, the nature debate refers to weather an individual's aptitude for killing was something out of their control due to a scientific biological difference within their brain (and therefore way of thinking) which leads them to demonstrate violent psychotic and sociopathic behaviour. In psychological studies it has been found that traits such as criminal behaviour are often inherited, however, a specific gene that would lead someone to commit such horrendous crimes like serial murders has never been found and cases where killer parents produce killer children are almost unheard
Moreover, Bidil race labeling might actually have undermined the broader goal of increasing racial minorities’ participation in clinical trials (Winickoff and Obasogie, 2008). For instance, by specifying African Americans as the only beneficiaries of BiDil, the same idea could be applied for a special efficacy drug for Whites, “the largest and most lucrative population segment of the United States” (Winickoff and Obasogie,2008). This logic could be used to justify the exclusion of non-Whites from clinical trials. This seems to be what happened in 2006 when Schering-Plough decided to exclude African Americans from the Phase 2 trial of SCH 503034, an investigational hepatitis C protease inhibitor. “Even though African Americans have the highest hepatitis C prevalence of any racial group in the United States, the company excluded this population not for any safety rationale but to boost efficacy numbers” (Winickoff and Obasogie,2008). BiDil, as a race-specific medicine also encourages the trend for other pharmaceutical companies to try and come up with other drugs in order to copy Bidil marketing success.
The book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen is about a boy, Brian, who had many struggles with survival after he was stranded in a Cessna 406 with his dead pilot who just had a heart attack. He had trouble with his surrounding as he used his intellect to prevail in difficult survival situations. Brian had trouble with blood-thirsty insects, chaotic animals, finding food and many more obstacles.
Psychology can be defined as the systematic study of mental processes, couple with behaviors, and experiences (Kalat, 2011). There are many ways in examining, mental processes and behaviors among people, and therefore psychologist uses different perspectives to understand how human beings, think, act, and behave. Some psychologist uses one perspective to analyze behaviors, and other uses a multidimensional approach. Carter & Seifert (2013) identified 7 major perspectives that are used to study people’s behavior, and mental processes. These perspectives are the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, and the sociocultural perspective.
The behaviourist approach believes that people, as well as animals, are controlled by their surrounding environment which has a direct impact upon their behaviour and whether they would suffer from mental illness (McLeod, S. 2007). Whereas the biological approach views genes, chromosomes and the nervous system as contributing factors to mental health and the way people behave, this theory believes that people have inherited traits of mental illness which may have adapted through evolution. These perspectives argue whether nature (biological) or nurture (behaviourist) have an influence over life and life decisions which has caused numerous ongoing debates (McLeod, S. 2007).
Genetics is a true indicator of your biological make-up. Genes are not the only aspect in the biological force and is closely associated with lifestyle factors such as health. What you eat and how active you are can determine specific ways in which you grow emotionally and physically. These biological forces helps to maintain conditions which are essential in order for us to survive, as well as necessities that are being provided. Consider the variation between each human and the rate at which we develop. For example, a young boy with a slower growth rate than his peers may have a delayed rate at which his body is producing testosterone. The amount of testosterone he produces has a direct influence on when the young boy will experience puberty. Even after puberty, your body will continually develop. Many biological forces either have positive or negative outcomes on your body physically. If an individual rarely exercises and
The three primary arenas of research to explain biological differences between men and women are is the evolutionary theory, brain research, and endocrinological research. The evolutionary psychology declares an ability to explain psychological differences between women and men through their evolutionary trajectories (Kimmel 24). Therefore, women and man have not change
Research also shows indicates that the Big Five has distinct biological substrates thereby linking trait perspective with the biological perspective (DeYoung, Quilty & Peterson, 2007). However this convergence of perspectives is actually productive in that all perspectives by themselves have their disadvantages as well as their advantages. If all perspectives can coincide with one another, explanations of personality will become so much easier.
The four major perspectives of Psychology are: Biological, Learning, Cognitive, and Sociocultural. First, is the biological perspective which relates to bodily events that affect the behavior, feelings, and thoughts. During the biological perspective electrical impulses shoot along the nervous system and hormones flow through the blood stream alerting the internal organs to slow down or speed up. The biological perspective affects the nervous system, hormones, brain chemistry, heredity, and evolutionary influences. A child who has been exposed to abuse may also grow up to abusive which is an example of the biological perspective. Second, is the learning perspective which the environment and experience affect the behavior of humans or animals. The environment either rewards or punish that maintains or discourage behaviors. Behaviors are based on acts and events taking place within the environment. Environmental influences, observations and imitation, beliefs, and values affect the learning perspective. A violent role model can influence a child to behave aggressively is an example of the learning perspective. Third, is the cognitive perspective which is the psychological approach that emphasizes mental process in perception, memory, language, and problem solving. The cognitive perspective shows how thoughts and explanations affect their actions, feelings, and choices. The cognitive approach is one of the strongest forces in psychology. A violent person may be quick to
So, men tend to be more logical and less emotional than women. The structure and function of the brain will vary due to experience. All the biological influences have an effect on the way men and women behave and interact around others, such as a friend or a crush. The way emotions and feelings are portrayed also depend on the societal norms that a woman or man undergo. Both biology and society do affect the way relationships and body language is formed among people (Grossman & Wood, 1993).
Chapter 12 social psychology cover how we affect one another’s behaviors. Culture, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination attitude, and interpersonal attraction are all factors that contribute to behavior in a social setting. Understanding how we influence one another on a social level forces us to look at not only ourselves, but also look at how others affect the world we live in and why it is important to be able to identify these influences and the impact they have on our behaviors good or bad
The Biological Perspective: This is the study of exactly how the physical events within the physical body interact with the events in the external environment. This is expressed by our perceptions, memories, behaviors and interactions with everything around us. We can think about our heredity and genetic makeup and the influences that has on each one of us as an individual. Then think about the stress of poor health and illness and how we may express our emotions with those around us. Since we are diverse as individuals we rely on our physiological make up and the stimuli of our environment to adapt to each situation. This human biology helps us to constantly adapt and survive in an ever-changing world.
First we will look into the biological aspect of human behavior. Biological pertains to one’s body chemistry and from a psychological standpoint the chemistry of the brain. No two people have exactly the
For example, females usually inherit an X chromosome form both parents. Social skills which are a typical female characteristics can be found in he x chromosome. From these findings it can be said that women are more comfortable in social settings. I can think of my husband in social settings where he does not know anyone he is less likely than me to introduce himself. I have no problem introducing myself and striking up a conversation with a stranger. Hormones also have an effect on gender determination. Men and women go through maturity as a result of hormones. Estrogen in women and Testosterone influence skills and tendencies associated with gender. Sex effects how the brain develops. According to our textbook, the force of biology is evident in cases where doctors try to change a child’s biological sex” (47). Doctors mistakenly amputated David’s penis to correct phimosis, a condition in which the foreskin of the penis interferes with urination. The child’s name was changed to Brenda and she did not take to being a girl. Later in life Brenda changed her name back into David and began living a life as a male eventually getting married and raising stepchildren. I believe that biological theory is accurate match for one’s gender.
Its gives us that love in return can make us feel tingly and happy feeling whereas we are often sad and lonely without love.