
The Five Canons Of Rhetoric Essay

Decent Essays

Rhetoric could possibly be the most important concept integrated into public speaking. Whether if it is making a deal for a lower price on a car or trying to get out of a speeding ticket, the way we use tone of voice and expression can predict our future. So, with public speaking, if a point is needed or wanted to get across, it needs to be clear and comprehensible. Meaning, someone’s ideas shouldn’t only be understood by themselves alone. If a person uses certain concepts of rhetoric, they can do anything from getting twenty bucks from their parents, to inspiring a whole nation of people. Perspective and clarity can make a difference. There are five canons of rhetoric: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. All of these canons are super important to the usage of rhetoric. Since persuasion is how most people get their way, think about how more susceptible they will become if they uses any of the five ideals. Invention helps us create our own way of presenting words. The way we put our own …show more content…

Arrangement is another very important part of a heard voice. If the arrangement and organization of a speech is not near perfect condition, it could hinder listeners and readers from getting the big idea. If people have trouble comprehending the words they are hearing or reading, they wouldn’t have a reason to agree or have the same views as someone else. Going along with that, style helps captivate the audience. Also, people are more lenient to listen and attempt to understand someone who has a grip on their emotions. Emotion in a speech is what gets people’s attention, not just preaching ideas. Passionate speakers are most successful by luring the audience in with not only their ideas, but by showing emotion and faith in what it is they’re talking about. Without a match, there is no flame. I like to think that if someone isn’t passionate about something, they shouldn’t try and act as if they are, that is for the theater

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