
The First Amendment Of The United States

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The United States is a nation founded on the principal of providing each citizen with a chance to have his or her voice heard, to succeed with his or her dream and to avoid any form of oppression that many countries continue to push on their citizens. As the United States Constitution states, “Congress Shall Make No Law Respecting an Establishment of Religion, or Prohibiting the Free Exercise Thereof; or Abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the Press; or the Right of the People Peaceably to Assemble, and To Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances” (U.S. Const. amend. I).
Without the basic freedoms that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution allots to United States citizens, the societal progression that has been made in more than 200 years would be lost. The courageous words of Martin Luther King Jr. would only be a whisper among an insignificant-sized crowd without the freedom to speak openly and voice one’s opinions. The controversial pieces of art created by artists like Richard Serra, David Hammons and Andy Warhol would never have graced the insides of prominent art museums. A Catholic church and a synagogue could not reside beside each other if the First Amendment’s freedom to practice any religion had not been put into effect by the nation’s forefathers. However, the freedom that connects all other First Amendment freedoms, the freedom that allows public figures, like Martin Luther King Jr., to speak openly to the crowd, the freedom that

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