
The First Agent Of The American Revolution

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"Our properties within our own territories [should not] be taxed or regulated by any power on earth but our own." -- Thomas Jefferson, 17741 The American Revolution was a war in which the thirteen colonies of Great Britain sought independence due to many unjust taxes and laws passed without their consent. The first agent of the revolution started in 1763 with the ending of the French and Indian War in which Great Britain conquered all of France’s holdings in North America. Consequently, this resulted in large amounts of debt for the British. The British decided that raising taxes on the colonies would allow them to acquire the needed funds. Document one reads “ One of the first taxes imposed by the British parliament was commonly known as the Stamp Act. It required American colonists to pay fees for all kinds of printed documents.” The Colonists however, disagreed with this act. John Adams, a young lawyer in Massachusetts wrote a resolution protesting the new act. An excerpt from it found in document one reads: “This tax is unconstitutional. We have always understood it to be a grand and fundamental principal…that no…man should be subject to any tax which he has not given his own consent.” “If this new tax were allowed to pass without resistance, the colonists reasoned, the door would be open for far more troublesome taxation in the future.” 2 The British parliament eventually repealed the tax, only to replace it with a new one called the Townshend Acts. Document two

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