
The Financial Fragility Hypothesis (FFH) outlined by Minsky deals with the economies susceptibility

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The Financial Fragility Hypothesis (FFH) outlined by Minsky deals with the economies susceptibility to financial crises in relation to overall economic growth and performance (1977a, 1986). There are two main points to Minksy’s hypothesis. The first relates to the capitalistic economy and the financing programs under which it is stable and those programs under which it is unstable. The second point Minsky makes relates to capitalistic expansions, specifically those driven by private spending. These expansions put people and companies at increasingly fragile investment positions. This is further exaggerated by the relaxation of financial restraint and extends the expansion and rising asset prices increase the tolerance of risk among …show more content…

Positive expectations make people disregard the possibility of future failures of a normal business cycle and are replied by expectations of sustained growth. This shift in thinking that Minsky calls the “economics of euphoria” is associated with the development of a significant increase of imbalances in credit and asset markets. Firms and households are lulled until large deficits by the unrealistic expectations of income an freely available credit (Minsky, 1982; Minsky, 1986).

While the FFH focuses on business enterprises, similar ‘financial relations’ apply to households. An economy in which income cash flows are dominant in meeting payment commitments is relatively immune to financial crises whereas an economy is potentially financially fragile and crisis-prone if portfolio transactions are relied on for meeting payments (Minsky, 1986). In this type of a fragile system, even a small shock can lead to large fluctuations. When a borrow goes bankrupt for instance, the lenders balance sheet will record a non-performing loan. The lender will in turn will increase the interest rate on other borrowers or reduce the availability of lendable funds. This will cause borrowers to switch to another lender that offers more favorable lending conditions, which further deteriorates the lender’s financial conditions. The financial fragility of borrowers can quickly spread to the overall economy.

If there are borrowers that are already at a financial tipping point,

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