
The Financial Crisis Since The Great Depression

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In 2008 the United States experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s, primarily because of the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble and increasing default rates on subprime mortgages which caused the price of house to increase once a high amount of loans were given out by banks to potential homeowners. Securitization played a big role in this because of how risky the regulations are and the giant corporate companies that are truly fluctuating and controlling the market. At the peak of the financial crisis new specialized mortgage lenders and securitizers came along unrestricted by government regulations which resulted in an extreme number of foreclosures and the stock market to plummet. …show more content…

Asset backed - securities, which is the name for securitization of mortgages, is where sub-prime mortgages and securitization had a major role in the 2008 financial crisis. After the year 2000 banks became a lot less strict on who they would grant loans to mainly because they wanted to make more money. Banks standards decrease a lot so if someone wanted to apply for a loan and buy a house they would not even have to document their incomes one hundred percent, the client could just state it without full verification. Subprime loans, where banks mortgage loans to people with good or bad credit, is exactly what happened between the years 2000-2006. When the big private corporate companies are mentioned, those are the banks that essentially contributed to causing the crisis. Once the recession finally struck in 2007 those loans as subprime loans that were given out to the citizens with bad credit, they defaulted on those loans eventually leading to the foreclosure of their homes. The banks used securitization during this time to liquidate the mortgages and put all the pressure on the private investor so they would not have to take the hit once the homeowner defaulted. Because banks kept relaxing on the loans, mortgages became in demand so citizens kept applying for loans but they did not realize they all that these corporate banks were

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