
The Film Analysis Of The Film Cold Mountain

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The film Cold Mountain follows two people Ada Monroe and W.P. Inman, these two star crossed lovers quickly become separated after the Civil War begins. Ada has to figure out how to make it in life after being completely alone and being lucky enough to have the right people in her life. Whereas, Inman had to take a dangerous journey back Cold Mountain to be reunited with Ada again. The movie is about Inman’s journey and Ada learning how to live. For the first third of the movie, it goes back and forth between Inman’s current military life to flash backs of their interactions. The movie begins with Inman in Petersburg, Virginia looking at a photo of Ada, while the Union soldiers are planning an attack. It cuts to the first time Ada and Inman officially met, when Sally Swanger approached Ada in an attempt to get her top field plow if Ada would talk to Inman. Their chat was brief and a bit awkward as they managed small talk for a moment. The movie flashes back to Inman and the Explosion, which ensued the battle, viewers saw Inman fight to save his friends’ life and made sure he stood by his side until he passed. In another moment of reminiscing Inman remember Ada playing her piano on the back of the wagon as he was plowing Sally’s fields, memories of them talking at a party about the war and Ada’s concern about him enlisting is visibly seen as she asks for a tintype of him. soon after he dropped off sheet music belonging to his father. Ada, her father Monroe, and Inman take a

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