
The Field Museum Of Chicago Prepped For The 1893 World 's Fair Columbian Exposition Essay

Better Essays

As the city of Chicago prepped for the 1893 World’s Fair Columbian Exposition, a celebration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the New World, people all over the world brought artifacts to the city. To keep these artifacts in the city long after the Exposition ended, Edward Ayer and Marshall Field established the Columbian Museum. Built using Field’s money, Columbian Museum would go on to house world artifacts as well as function as a research institution. As time passed, the museum eventually changed names to the Field Museum of Natural History and moved buildings to its much larger current location on Museum Campus. Today, the Field Museum continues to be an innovating research institution and stable of the Chicagoland community. The Field Museum currently houses eight permanent exhibits ranging from the Mammals of… series to the Evolving Planet. Each exhibit revolves around one of the four core departments: Botany, Zoology, Geology, and Anthropology. Different from other museums, each collection at Field are closely entwined and work together to orchestrate a visual presentation of the progression of natural history. To highlight the relationship between each of the exhibitions, the staff could provide daily visitors with a cohesive guide map of the entire museum. The current location of the museum is massive to accommodate for the displays as well as three research laboratories, but due to large size, each exhibit feels isolated and

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