In his essay, “The Fence of Lies,” Mario Vargas Llosa explores the potential consequences of building a wall across the Mexican-American border. He argues that, if built, the wall would be ineffective and a waste of resources. He proposes that the money allotted for the border wall be used instead to offer better job opportunities to Latin American citizens within their own borders. However, this proposal is unrealistic as it offers no real solutions to the economic problem of illegal immigration, nor is it an effective plan. Vargas Llosa’s main stance is that the United States government ought not to fund the border wall because it will cost around 6 billion and will “soon be as full of holes as swiss cheese” (Vargas Llosa 49), and …show more content…
This certainly will slow the development of a wall, but cannot stop it, as people can be bought out eventually. The other arguments Vargas Llosa uses end up harming his thesis rather than helping it. He writes that Hispanic immigrants sent 45 billion dollars home to their families. He then guesses that the immigrants keep roughly 4 or 5 times that amount, spending it in the United States. This support is flawed on multiple levels. First, the credibility of this argument is dubious, as it relies on an estimation. Also, the original statistic of 45 billion dollars looks at both illegal and legal immigrants. It is not immigration the wall seeks to stop, but simply illegal immigration. Moreover, would not illegal immigrants send more money home than a quarter of their income, as they are not in this country as legal citizens? If this is true, illegal immigrants act not as a boost to the economy but leeches sucking jobs and money. Finally, the argument which truly bites Vargas Llosa in the back is his suggestions on how to combat the problem without the wall. He advises that the money be redirected to build factories in Latin America where would-be illegal immigrants could work. However, 6 billion dollars is not enough to fix the economies of 20 countries, especially when our own economy is floundering. Besides, workers in a Mexican factory would still look across the border and see better wages, better benefits, and a better place to be.
The wall that Bowden discusses is the barrier between the United States and the country of Mexico to the south. He uses the terms fences, borders, and barricades. Part of the wall is constructed of metal. Other portions are concrete. Each of the materials that are used is hard and designed to be uncomfortable and discouraging to those who see it, effectively creating both a physical and psychological barrier between acceptable and unacceptable populations. The purpose of the wall, according to Bowden, is to keep a certain population out of the United States. Mexican illegal immigrants are crossing the border into the United States in large numbers. For the American government, illegal immigration is an unacceptable set of circumstances and the purpose of erecting a wall was to keep those people from crossing the border into the United States. Bowden explains that the wall is effective only until the point when inclination and desire of the excluded population overcomes the existence of the wall. People will then cross over it or crash through it. If their will is strong enough, then the people will be able to overcome the wall, making its presence outdated and ineffectual. Since people overcome the wall, there is no need to keep the wall or to provide moneys to either enlarge it or for the upkeep of the wall. Each
Many say that the border wall is a bad idea, but others say it has some benefits. President Trump said in his campaign that he wanted “a great, great wall.” This was to ensure that anyone with no papers doesn’t take the jobs that “Americans” need. Since there are 2 sides of this problem they should both be addressed.
In this article it is clear that Lourdes Medrano is all for a strengthened US-Mexican border. She defends the rise of the border by defending President Bush’s immigration reform policies, while showing the extraordinary decrease in immigrants entering the US illegally. Medrano also makes President Obama’s administration out to be villains, when she says “led the Obama administration to kill the virtual fence.” Basically showing readers that President Obama is letting immigrants walk into the US.
The author also uses firsthand stories from people to show the ineffectiveness of the wall. One specific story the author mentions is of a man on the Mexican side who lives close to the wall and jumps it regularly just to go to a bar and then comes back the same night. I think this story is already proving that the wall is ineffective and with time it will become more ineffective. With the ineffectiveness increasing so is the support. One man interviewed said “When they first built it, it was not a bad idea—cars were crossing illegally from Mexico and the Border Patrol would chase them. But it’s so ugly.”
In the article “Trump outlines immigration specifics,” Jeremy Diamond and Sara Murray analyze Republican candidate Donald Trump’s latest immigration policy proposal and demonstrate how his unrealistic plan could cause more harm than good. For many years now, the topic of immigration has always been a problematic one and with reason. One side argues that immigrants are taking American jobs, while the other side maintains that immigrants are actually helping the US economy. While both sides rarely see eye to eye on multiple issues, one thing that they can both agree on is that the current US immigration system is, indeed, broken. Because of this issue, Trump has proposed an immigration plan that would require the US to build a wall along the
Immigration is a cornerstone of America and is the basis for the founding of the thirteen colonies. There are very few families that did not originate as immigrants to the country at some point from the first settlers to modern times. However, the issue of illegal immigration, particularly from Latin America, has grown in recent years and must be addressed. There is an estimated 11.7 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States mainly overstaying visas or crossing over the border illegally. My solution to the problem of immigration is to reinforce the southern U.S. border because the initial problem must be solved before attending to current migrants. The economic effect of migrant labor is an overall net gain, which must be redistributed to the places with many immigrants. Finally, the current undocumented
According to “Driscoll Sally & Bourassa, Cheryl “Supporters of the wall include the Center for immigration Studies; they maintain that without stronger efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants, public infrastructure, from hospitals to schools, will disintegrate from the burden of caring for so many people. Others groups argue that an influx of illegal immigrants, willing to work at any price, drives down wages for low-skilled American workers. American see these problems cannot be solved without the protection of some
All through America's history it always had a presidential election every four years, and last years presidential election campaign there were two leading candidates, so to ensure their victory, they both made promises significant changes, creation. All through last year's campaign, a candidate named Donald J. Trump made several promises, and one of his promises could change the way of life in American. Mr.Trump won last years presidential election, and all eyes were on him to the promise vowed to do if and when he is president. That one promise which is opposed by six in ten Americans is that President Trump promised a 'big, beautiful wall' that would be placed on the Mexican and American border. President Trump Proposed that he could construct the wall for 8 billion, but now it is known that wall will cost about $21.6 billion for the wall and that the $21.6 plan doesn't include the $150 million a year to maintain. America shouldn’t Build a Wall along the US/Mexico Border because of the high cost and how it will affect America's economy, also thought the wall would keep out undocumented immigrant from crossing the US border but it is shown that undocumented immigrants contribute over $11 billion to the US economy each year, and lastly the environment that is near the border, and how it will be affected and disturbed due to the construction the border wall.
In previous years, many countries and territories around the world have attempted to build walls, and many have had very much success. For example, Most of the walls built after World War 2 and the Cold War still exist today. There were a total of 110 walls built between that time period. Professor Nazli Avdan led a study that had a goal of identifying if a border wall reduced or increased the risk of a transnational terrorist attack. This study found that since the year 1900, transnational terrorist attacks have seen a thirteen percent annual decrease in countries with border walls (Border fences reduce...attacks). This has been a real focal point that President Donald Trump has used to get people to agree with him. Another reason of his includes the disrupting of the funneling of illicit money and drugs into the United States of America (Border fences reduce...attacks). The bonus of the building of the wall is that it will be a visible sign of the government taking action.
Did you know that it will cost billions to finish the border wall between U.S and Mexico? Do you know where is Trump is going to get billions from ? Tax payers. Congress has no idea where to get the money to fund the building of the border wall between the U.S and Mexico. The fence will not stop immigrants from coming into the country at all, there are ways that people from Mexico can enter the U.S legally. The border wall is too expensive and impractical for us to continue building to complete it, it’s going to take 4 years for the border wall to completely finish covering the remaining 1,250 miles. A border wall won’t solve any terrorist problem that we as a country have. We shouldn’t continuing the building of the U.S- Mexico border because it just a waste of time and money because it will take 4 years for the border wall to be completely finish the border and maybe after the wall is finish, May not Trump won’t be president The border wall won’t help the crime rate go down in the U.S.
Although a border wall may make it more difficult for people to cross into the US illegally, it can’t completely prevent it. All it takes is an unsupervised hole in the wall for people to pass through. So, there are better ways to prevent illegal immigration. Instead of spending 25 billion dollars on building a wall, why don’t we focus on higher security measures on the border. For example, there could be more surveillance on the border and a more in depth immigration process could be established. So, even though a border wall would make it more difficult for illegal immigrants to pass through, establishing higher security measures could be just as productive and less expensive as
I am applying for Residential Life Assistant as my first choice. For my second choice, I am applying to be a Chemistry Teacher’s Assistant. I have never been one to shy away from responsibility. In the past two years I have been a producer, the President of the Freshman class, the Vice President of the Sophomore class, a leader in student ministries at church, and on the Mental Health Committee at NCSSM.
I am writing this letter to respectively bring your attention to the Mexican-American border, its damaging effect on the United States economy, and potential solutions to this specific situation which has become known as the Border Crisis. As you may already know, the border runs from Tijuana, Baja California to Tamaulipas and Texas. According to the International Boundary and Water Commission, the border’s length is 1,954 miles and is the most frequently crossed international border, mainly by undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Central America. As an attempt to contain this influx of illegal migration, former President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 stating, “This bill will help protect American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform.” While Mr. Bush may have had the United States’ safety at heart, one must question if the border fence is actually helping the economy or hurting it? There are several problems that have risen following the creation of the border fence; immigrants coming from The Northern Triangle have actually increased, Texas has become the deadliest entry state, undocumented and unaccompanied children are costing taxpayers even more, and simply maintaining the border fence is a very high cost.
As children, our parents usually put us in an activity to keep us occupied, and often it turns into a passion and defining characteristic. However, even with a history of various sports and hobbies, ten-year-old me still didn’t feel ‘special’ enough. What could I do that nobody else would expect? The fact that drawing came so naturally to me was surprising, seeing as how almost every child likes to draw. Yet, the idea of being an artist felt somehow unique. I never found appeal in art classes and having somebody tell me what to draw, so I taught myself. I adored it, and often found that I was better and more driven than others who had been drawing for years. To this day, I’ve found that if I embrace my own ideas and convey them through my
The Egyptians saw death as a transitional stage in the progress to a better life in the next world. Each person was thought to have three souls, “ka”, “ba” and “akh”, for these to work properly, it was considered essential for the body to survive intact. When a person died, priests performed prayers to make a last attempt at reviving the deceased. The body was washed and made pure. It was then taken to the embalmer’s workshop. A cut was made in the left side, and all the organs were removed and stored in containers known as canonic jars. They body was then stored with a salt called natron for forty days, after the forty days had passed, the insides were filled with linen, sawdust, resin and natron. The body was then wrapped in bandages. The