
The Controversy Of Aliens

Decent Essays

The topic of aliens is often a very controversial one to talk about. The aliens in THE FOURTH KIND represent many fears that we have has as humans such as the fear of feeling inferior. That is why many people don’t like to acknowledge that there could possibly be other intellectual species outside of earth, due to the fear of them feeling inferior to a more advanced life form. If aliens are anything like the human species then we should all be afraid, due to the fact that the human race killed most of the animal species and even kidnapped and enslaved other humans. If extraterrestrials ever came to our planet, their technology and intellect would be far more advanced than ours and that could possibly hurt humanity because they could have the power and technology to enslave us. They also represent how people would be willing to do wicked things like using science and technology for malevolent purposes. The aliens abuse of power in the film reflect how humans could possibly turn out if we obtained their technology. Humans could learn to one-day build rockets and spacecraft’s that can travel to other planets and their main goal would be to use these technologies to benefit ourselves. If we had the power to overtake another planet and inhabit it, we would not hesitate to do so and we are willing to do the unthinkable for power and advancement. Aliens also represent the fear of there being no god or religion because most religious people oppose science and credit god for

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