
The Existence Of The Code Of Hammurabi

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on is a set of actions accomplished by the translator while rendering the source or the original text into any other language. There are different types of translation such as literal, scientific, technical and legal translation which will be examined in this research. Furthermore, legal language includes a wide number of documents such as contracts, summons, and warrants, wills and court document. Frist of all, English Documentary Discourse goes back to ancient Greece with philosophers such as Socrates and Plato advocating Freedom and democracy .Documentary English, however continued to borrow from other languages at that time , French and Latin being two of them and these borrowed terms continued to be used until today. In addition to what mentioned above, the existence of Documentary discourse in the Arabic tradition goes back to Babylon with the formation of the code of Hammurabi. Thus, Documentary translation can be traced to Babylon (2001BC) with the formation of Hammurabi 's translation Centre which hired employees to work on Translation. Furthermore, the increasing interests in translation in the Abbasid era have made scholars aware of the importance of developing translation methods and their linguistics competence. As a consequence we notice that the techniques followed in the Abbasid era were not different from the techniques adapted by western Translators at that time. English and Arabic Legal translation have a lot of features. Both of them

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