
The Evolving Lexicon Of Wired Teens

Better Essays

Social media has become the fundamental platform of the 21st century for all ages. One is at risk just with a click, yet people take this risk to fulfill their tasks or their leisure. It is used as a diverse tool; opening many opportunities in means of socializing, communication and finding careers, but the social media outlet can take a turmoil revealing the heinous side of its users, especially the young audience. There is no single advantage or disadvantage to the networks; its advantages include connection with new people, education systems, and careers. However, the disadvantages portray the lack of emotional connection, deteriorating face-to-face communication and false images. Communication is bound to evolve relationships in the future with the advantages and disadvantages of technology. Living in the early 2000’s was just the start of an improving visual and deteriorating verbal communication. Growing up, when technology was still progressing, my parents did not …show more content…

In the essay by Kris Axtman “r u online”: The Evolving Lexicon of Wired Teens”, he explains his focus on the way teenagers use Instant Messaging, not properly using the English language. Instead they use abbreviations and acronyms to express their emotions. Garet Thomas, a teen who lives in Houston goes on his IM when is doing his homework and even multitasks on other things ( Axtman 248). Mostly teens say that this is an ideal way of communicating as they can multitask. In reality, it would be impossible to talk to more than one person at once. In another essay “Note to Selfie” by John Dickerson, he explains how many people are documenting their moments instead of living in the moment. “For years, not many other people shared my little habit. Now we all do it on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram” (Dickerson

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