
The European-Indian Encounters In Native America

Decent Essays

Indigenous are people who originated or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. The earliest accounts of the European-Indian encounter in North America of ill-fated 1527 expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez. After the big disembarking on Florida near Tampa, the Spanish forced the land and sea became disastrously separated. Knowing, they overstayed their welcome, with local Indians in pursuit. Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, second command, set out on rafts back to Cuba. Only eighty survived and came through a hurricane to land near Galveston, Texas. About 4 years ago in 1536, they were rescued in Northern America by Spanish slave trade, but only 4 remained behind. It was Cabeza de Vaca, two Spaniards and an African named Estevan. Cabeza

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