Despite the controversy created by the game show Twenty-One for being rigged, I believe it is not a matter of ethics but rather a matter of "what you don't know wont hurt you." It is not unreasonable for networks to want to produce a show that is exciting for its audience. In a world where ratings mean everything, you have to have a show worth watching, something that keeps people interested. I understand lying is wrong and it was definitely unfair to the losers of the show but I really don't understand why it was such a big deal. Of course this is because I live in a different time. My generation of TV is filled with lies, but lies sell! One really good example of this is shows like Long Island Medium, it's clearly fake but there are tons …show more content…
However I believe the line must be drawn somewhere. Game shows are all fun and games, but when it comes to sports, that's a different story. I believe more so now than in other eras, that sports has a far more massive following than game shows or really any other broadcasts. Sports teams can often define a person and bring people together, kind of like collective intelligence does for gamers. Sports have been around before TV so it would be unlikely that cheating would enhance audiences viewing experience because it is something people have always enjoyed and is exciting all on its own. Of course there has been controversies with players talking performance enhancing drugs which I believe is a form of cheating but it is different in that, it is not the network, network executives, or even the team that is looked down on, but the player himself. The connection people have with their teams of choice could arguably be the strongest connection to media for many fans alike. Sports are often the most viewed broadcasts of all time and not just in America but in other countries as well. Not to say that it isn't possible for sports to be faked but, to find out they are, would be an outrage that would surpass the Game Show controversy in the 1950's by miles. In conclusion, everything on televisions should be taken with a grain of salt, not everything you see is real and should never be assumed to be true. The media will do whatever it takes to keep people
Many children all across the United States and other countries try to replicate their favorite superstar athlete. Many athletes become the children’s idol and once the child learns that the athlete has cheated the game the athlete plays the child no longer looks up to the athlete. It is almost gotten to the point where no athlete that excels in a particular sport can be trusted. Every time a single athlete becomes great at their respective sport, speculation of steroid abuse immediately follows.
cheating has always been around and in baseball Steroids are a Performance Enhancing Drug or PED for short that help with strength or players have also been known to use Human Growth Hormone or HGH, “Wonder if steroids helped Roger Clemens to lead the Houston Astros and New York Yankees to the World Series?” (Bilson) Ty Cobb sharpened spikes, and bet on baseball and he's still in the HOF, or how Mike Scott doctored baseballs with an emery board, or Alberte Belle, Sammy Sossa with Corked bats a corked bat is a bat that does not have the wood filling super balls can be put in there in place for it many different things can be used in place of that. Also how can anyone forget Barry Bonds with steroids how much did that help bonds break the All-Time home run record? How about Triss Speaker and the scandal of him fixing games , Gaylord Perry doctored baseball with various substances to throw off hitters. Other players other than Bonds have admitted to Steroid use Paul Molitor Class of 2004 and Wade Boggs Class of 2005 both admitted to steroid use, Boggs later admitted to being a sex addict on the Barbra Walters show. Mike Piazza alleged steroid scandal his back acne grew significantly and his substantial amount of hair growth on his back. Cheaters never win has been said through out the history of the world. I fully believe that is the honest
The Baseball World Series of 1919 involved the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds (Linder, 2010). The Series was an exciting exchange that boiled down to the last game, which was taken by the victorious Cincinnati Reds (Linder, 2010). However, a year later, news broke that the game was rigged by the Chicago White Sox (Linder, 2010). They threw the game in order to receive a large payout, which was never given (Linder, 2010). The eight players involved disgraced the sport and the American public (Linder, 2010). In today’s world of sports, scandals continue to happen. A recent example is the doping scandal of the United States Postal Service Pro Cycling Team and, their captain, Lance Armstrong. While the US Postal Service team’s doping does not seem to be connected to the White Sox’s gambling problem, they share many similarities.
Baseball has always been considered as American as apple pie. If that is true than cheating should be just as American. Ever since the creation of America’s favorite pastime, baseball, cheating has been a major part of the game. Each era of baseball has showed more complex ways of cheating the game. Although, cheating in baseball has been around since the introduction of the game, only few scandals have really made history. Some of the most famous scandals include the Black Sox Scandal, the gambling of Pete Rose, and the use of steroids by players to enhance their performance. Despite these corruptions the game has still managed to stay America’s most loved sport.
Not necessarily cheating by lying about a game or sneakily finding an unfair way to win that violates the rules. The cheating that is becoming controversial in sports are about athletes using sports performance enhancing drugs. The motif to cheat in sports is similar to the motif to cheat in schools. Athletes use drugs to boost their performance or to beat other competitors. Athletes just like High School students face a lot of pressure to do well or to at least do better than other athletes. In a text written by Chuck Klosterman, Klosterman explains that steroid scandals are no longer uncommon amongst the National football League athletes. These huge athletes are expected to be massive compared to normal humans and to perform task that no ordinary human could perform. It should not come as a surprise to the public that these football hero’s use steroids to live up to there expectations. On the contrary it is a let down and disappointment to the NFL fans once they discover their favorite athletes have been deceiving and cheating by using unpermitted substances to increase their performances. “My point is that sports are unique in the way they’re retrospectively colored by the specter of drug use.” stated by Chuck Klosterman. Many famous musicians, authors, and stockbrokers were on drugs when they did their best work and yet these titles are not stripped away from them and they face little to no
Athletes and the sports industry have turned into a multi-billion dollar business annually. Stacked on top of that is that leagues and educational institutions receive multi-million dollar media contracts each year. This is so that broadcasters such as NBC, FOX, and TNT have the rights to broadcast that team or leagues games. The surge of money in the sports industry has led to an influx of agents into the world of agent athletes.
The MLB is just a giant business. How can you see it otherwise? Steroids in baseball have changed dramatically over the past ten years and a major factor impacting the changes may be players’ use of performance enhancing drugs. Do these players not realize that they are cheating? They are putting a drug into their bodies to make them better then everyone else. In less than four years Babe Ruth’s single season record of 60 home runs has been broken by Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds. These were three of the players who were faced with a charge of using steroids and notice how they are three of the top hitters. McGwire just retired too, I think steroid use, and people finding out had a smidge to do with it. All these players aren’t losers, they are all stars and looked upon from all over and know are being accused of cheating. (Kingsbury)
Over nemouse years the world has evolved and many changes have taken place. Regardless of your age, gender, religion or race its seem that sports has been one of the things that brings everybody together in the end. Whether it be sharing an interest for the same sport in general or the same sports team. With this being said corruption has entered the sports community, it is not about bringing your team together for the sake of enjoyment. Being victorious is now what is expected among your team, coaches, fans and yourself. Now Athletes and coaches are doing whatever it takes to win. Whether it be breaking the law by placing bids or accepting bids, committing fraud and willingly taking illegal performance-enhanching
This is why sports betting and commissioners of sports are very strict now. After the White Sox Scandal baseball ratings went down into the toilet due to the bad press this situation got and no one wanted to watch baseball that they knew what was going to happen. The Black Sox Scandal is very important because it’s a big event that occurs in the roaring 20s, which caused sports to be changed for the
Reality shows say they are promoting healthy and normal relationships. The shows say they are not trying to sensationalize relationships or twist the story. The shows claim they do not edit the show, and that it’s all real and it’s showing exactly what the couples do. It
Using steroids while playing a sport is counted as cheating. College athletes should be drug tested for using steroids. The stronger the player the more abilities they have over others, causing people to see it as cheating. Let’s take a look at past athletes, that have used steroids, starting with Ben Johnson and Mark McGwire:“...Olympic sprinter Ben Johnson tested positive for the drug and was stripped of his gold medal and world record in the 100 meter” (Ritter 2). According to Ritter, if an athlete is on steroids while playing a
Professional sports are a competition between the greatest athletes in the world. And when I go to a game, that’s exactly what I expect to see. Sports are entertainment. There is no room for purity and respecting the limits that athletes had in the past. Modern athletes should utilize all the resources that they have available to them. This includes steroids, which enhance an athlete’s performance. After all, performance is what really matters.
Reality television has differed throughout the years. At one point it was meant to be a literal depiction of everyday life. Now, reality television has changed to be more dramatic and outrageous than an average person or family’s life. The Hunger Games, in a way, depicts the lives of those who live in the poorer districts where the necessities for life are not in such abundance as in the Capitol. Although children are not forced to kill each other in the districts, there is still the struggle for one’s livelihood. That reality is depicted in the games and it seems that The Capitol takes that theme and develops it into The Hunger Games that we know and love. The Hunger Games suggests that reality television is manipulated to the point where the viewers see what the creators (game makers) want them to see.
One of the biggest reasons opponents of sports gambling are opposed to wagering on sporting events is because of the potential for sports gambling to result in fixed sporting events and ultimately undermining the integrity of professional and amateur sports in the U.S. As Thompson (2008) explains, sports gambling remains illegal and heavily regulated by the government “because of the potential for events to be fixed, or illegally influenced (using bribes or other forms of compensation)” (p. 2). It is not that difficult to see how this might happen, since numerous sports gambling scandals have occurred in the past. The 1919 World Series was fixed by Chicago White Sox players. Pete Rose was banned from baseball and denied admittance to the Baseball Hall of Fame because of his admission to gambling on sporting events while he
Reality TV is known as exciting entertainment because the audience never knew what will happen next as it is with no strings attached and even have the freedom of speech. Despite the entertainment it can bring, the content of reality shows are actually degrading the society. Our pop culture and civilization have been affected by the reality programs in a bad way. Indeed, reality TV is promoting bad social value to the