
The Ethicality Of Game Shows

Decent Essays

Despite the controversy created by the game show Twenty-One for being rigged, I believe it is not a matter of ethics but rather a matter of "what you don't know wont hurt you." It is not unreasonable for networks to want to produce a show that is exciting for its audience. In a world where ratings mean everything, you have to have a show worth watching, something that keeps people interested. I understand lying is wrong and it was definitely unfair to the losers of the show but I really don't understand why it was such a big deal. Of course this is because I live in a different time. My generation of TV is filled with lies, but lies sell! One really good example of this is shows like Long Island Medium, it's clearly fake but there are tons …show more content…

However I believe the line must be drawn somewhere. Game shows are all fun and games, but when it comes to sports, that's a different story. I believe more so now than in other eras, that sports has a far more massive following than game shows or really any other broadcasts. Sports teams can often define a person and bring people together, kind of like collective intelligence does for gamers. Sports have been around before TV so it would be unlikely that cheating would enhance audiences viewing experience because it is something people have always enjoyed and is exciting all on its own. Of course there has been controversies with players talking performance enhancing drugs which I believe is a form of cheating but it is different in that, it is not the network, network executives, or even the team that is looked down on, but the player himself. The connection people have with their teams of choice could arguably be the strongest connection to media for many fans alike. Sports are often the most viewed broadcasts of all time and not just in America but in other countries as well. Not to say that it isn't possible for sports to be faked but, to find out they are, would be an outrage that would surpass the Game Show controversy in the 1950's by miles. In conclusion, everything on televisions should be taken with a grain of salt, not everything you see is real and should never be assumed to be true. The media will do whatever it takes to keep people

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