
The Ethical Use Of Landmines In West Africa

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Paul Jefferson, an early humanitarian deminer once said: “a landmine is the perfect soldier: Ever courageous, never sleeps, never misses” (Khamis par. 1). Jefferson’s quote can be interpreted in two ways: that a landmine is a great weapon and all countries should use it, or that a landmine is too dangerous for one’s own good. For years, landmines have been affordable, yet dangerous killers that countries use to defend their borders in war. But as wars end, countries often forget about their rural parts and the destruction left from war, leaving citizens in the danger from landmines. The immoral and unethical use of landmines in West Africa will continue to create an impoverished and uneconomic society for thousands of innocent people due to …show more content…

The price to receive and plant landmines makes them the perfect weapon: cheap, successful, and accurate. The cost for just one landmine is between $3 and $30, making landmines extremely attractive in the eyes of a struggling military. A cheap, temporary fix that will explode anyone who crosses through one’s land, which seems like the perfect weapon, but it is quite the opposite. The cost to diffuse just one landmine ranges between $300 and $1000, where at minimum the government is losing almost ten thousand percent of what they spent for the landmine (Khamis par. 3). In Song for Night, My Luck, a child soldier who diffuses mines, describes how his job “requires [him] to concentrate on every second of [his] life as though it were the last” (Abani 11). My Luck explains the rigor and danger of defusing a landmine, and supports how the cost should be so high because people’s lives are constantly at risk. Most people would not want to put their life at risk to defuse a landmine, but it needs to be done, so governments are willing to pay, creating a huge increase from the price of planting to the price of removal for landmines. The current cost to remove all landmines across the world would be fifty to one hundred billion dollars, which puts a heavy weight on the economy for many …show more content…

Landmines are planted in countries like Nigeria during civil wars by militant groups, but they are undocumented and the government does not know where militant groups put them. In 2009, Nigeria’s Article 7 report stated that there were suspected mined areas in the “war-affected areas in the Eastern part of Nigeria” that might be contaminated with “Biafran ‘locally fabricated’ explosive devices (International campaign, par. 14). The lasting effects of landmines from the Biafran civil still cost the government due to the undocumentation and danger of militant landmines. As time continues, governments work to rebuild rural areas affected by landmines. Countries for decades after a war ends still spend billions in cleaning up a mess. In an article from the Nigerian Daily Times:
The Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Court on Monday ordered the Federal Government to pay some communities in 10 states where land mines were laid during the Nigeria-Biafra civil war the sum of N50 billion as compensation. The Community Court also ordered the Federal Government to pay another sum of N38 billion to RSB Holdings Nigeria Limited and Deminers Concept Nigeria Limited to clear the abandoned bombs. (Daily Times, par.

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