
The Establishment of Feudalism by the Zhou Dynasty and Its Impacts

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The Establishment of Feudalism by the Zhou Dynasty The Zhou Dynasty and its establishment of feudalism provided a turning point in history (Ebrey, Walthall, & Palais, 2006; Sun, 2006). Turning points are areas in history where vast changes are made or seen, and as such they should be studied in order to determine how they came about and the effects they had on the country and the world. Many people shrug off the words "turning point" because those words can be overused and misunderstood. However, when a significant historical event occurs it is important to make sure that it is properly recorded and that the value of it is understood. How did the event occur and take place? What caused the changes that led up to the event? What did the event do for the future of the country? What did the event do for the future of the world and/or its people? These are questions that have to be asked when turning point events are discussed, because the questions and their answers can allow historians and others to carefully consider what historical events have to offer. Determining the value that an event provides is not easy, and much more value may be provided to certain people or certain countries than others. Despite that, turning points in history provide information on how to do things in the future to improve lives. These same turning points can also show how not to do things in the future, because it has been said that those who do not learn from history are going to be doomed to

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